Moonshine's Comments

SO uh yeah!

Entertaining offers on Malloy bc everytime I try i cannot draw them atm uck
I still really like their design so not in a hurry if you are interested!

I don't remember if I bought or traded for them so max 15-20 if money
But mostly interested in trades 👀 will look at anything
(designers I like- jefftheironic, catastrophyte, steampunk, eh i can't think of the others rn but i hope that gives a good idea?)

Hi, I can offer $20 if you're still looking at offers! 

Yes I am! I'll go with your offer, that'd be great! <33

Just send to whenever you get the chance and I'll send him on over! 

Aaaaa just sent, TYSM!

Thank you sm!! Hope you enjoy them, sending them over now ;v; <33