Lin-Lin and Maw



2 years, 3 months ago


Lindy Marie


Her hair hosts a parasitic beast with a voracious appetite!


  • Alias Lin-Lin
  • Age 19
  • Gender Female
  • Height 5'6"
  • occupation Diner Waitress

A bright and cheery gal! Currently in her gap year after highschool, living on her own in a small apartment. She's not too sure what she wants to do going forward, but is fairly content with her current job! She works at a decently sized diner within Neon City, that's well known for having the best burgers! Yum!

Despite her smaller frame she's a surprisingly strong individual, and can hold her own in a fight. Though she's not the most nimble. Her blows are slower, but when they hit their mark, they pack a punch! Just don't underestimate this friendly-looking Waitress.

  • Passive: Maw - A living entity in Lin’s hair with 12 Stamina. Loses 2 stamina at the end of Lin’s turns, which he takes back from Lin if possible. Can bite for 8 Damage within 1 Range, and doesn’t lose stamina if he hits. If Maw’s Stamina reaches 0 he cannot drain stamina, but he also cannot help Lin in Skills.
  • Gut of Steel (Stamina +0) - Maw, being a beast of unknown origins has the ability to regain small amounts of stamina from anything. When using Maw to eat, any object, be it wood, rock, grease, trash, is considered edible, and allows Maw/Lin-Lin to heal 1d4 stamina.
  • Feeding Frenzy (3) - Lin-Lin can use her hair to swallow a target, draining energy from them before spitting them back out, taking 8 Stamina from the target, and healing 4 Stamina to Maw, or Lin-Lin if Maw is at full Stamina.
  • Dinner is served! (3) - Using her hair to ‘eat’ the serving trays, Lin is able to quickly spit all three plates at up to three targets for 6 damage per tray. If Maw is out cold, trays can still be thrown, but for only 3 Damage per tray. .
  • Lunch Rush (1) - Lin Lin puts on her roller shakes for 3 turns, buffing her movement to 6 but preventing skills from being used for the same duration.




Lin-lin met A.W. through a small trip she took to Pastel Town! Lin-lin and A.W. keep close contact with each other over the phone, though because of recent events, A.W. now has more time to spend in Neon City! Lin-lin certainly looks forward to spending more time with the Soda-lchemist!


[Bestie & Co-Workers]

Lin-lin and Emyr both work at Cluckingtons together! The two of them share an extra bond through their frequent pot-luck parties. There's nothing more enjoyable to Lin-lin than to share a tasty meal with a dear friend!



Rubedo is certainly an odd fella. Initially Lin-lin had only heard bad things regarding this man, but despite that he still helped Emyr- Is this guy really as bad as people say? It's hard for Lin-lin to say for sure... At the very least, she believes that no one should go hungry!

Cooking 彼氏

code by FallingFeathers