


6 years, 3 months ago



Name: Runa

Species: Fae (Moth)

Age: 162 (Appears somewhere in her twenties)

Height: 5'6"

Occupation: Shop Keep

Sexuality: Pansexual

A calm and mild-mannered moth-type fae who tends to a supplies shop in a small village, specializing in enchanted materials. Because of this, Clover and her are somewhat good friends as the witch often buys supplies from the shop, or provides low-level potions for Runa to sell (perhaps a better term would be business partners?) The best word to describe her is soft. There is not a lot that can throw her off of her groove, and she's never been seen to get mad only dissappointed. She can somewhat be lazy and prone to dozing, but will (begrudgingly) do her work when pressured to do so. 

Runa, despite her gentle disposition, is a shrewd business woman, and transactions come before all else. After all, she has to support herself. If money is an issue, she is willing to swap favors for goods and information as well. She very much uses her soft appearance and personality to lull unsuspecting buyers into paying more for her wares. She's got somewhat of a tight grasp on her purse, too, not wanting to spend too much of her earnings. She's known to be somewhat tricky with her wording in order to sell less valuable items for more, so be careful if you try to purchase her wares. Outside of transactions, however, she's completely honest and upfront with people. Those who are kind to her and those under her employment are given fair prices and she holds back her haggling, but with those who are disrespectful or rude will see just what a business woman she is.

Runa is completely blind, and uses the antenna on her head to sense movement and get a good idea of her surroundings. She has a soft spot for insects, and seems to be able to communicate with them somewhat. Will absolutely never allow someone to kill an insect in her presence.


- Money

- Insects

- Warm Blankets

- Strawberries


- Bright Lights

- Overly Heavy Perfumes

- Haggling (her prices are her prices and she won't go a cent lower)

- Spiders


- When in dire straits for stock, Runa will either ask Clover or another available adventurer to help her gather some supplies in exchange for reward. She really prefers to avoid this if she can.

- While she is physically weak, she has some pretty hefty magic skills when it comes to healing. However, it drains her to use her own magic too much.

- Although she can technically sense her surroundings, it's only things that are within close proximity to her, and she cannot sense specifics (example: she'd be able to "see" a sign that's in front of her, but she'd be unable to read what's on it) In an unfamiliar place, she tends to prefer to hold onto someone else's arm lightly just for some security.

- How the shop came to be:  "The shop, hm? Well, when I first set off on my own, I needed someway to support myself, yes? So I traveled around and sold a lot of the enchanted items I had brought with me from my home. You'd be surprised how good fae craftsmanship sells, my friend. It was good business, and I had plenty of stock, but it was tedious more than anything. In order to really go anywhere, I'd have to pay some adventurers to escort me to the next town, and you would not believe how much these people would charge just for me to travel with them." She let out a disappointed sigh, shaking her head. "Eventually, I just decided enough was enough. With what money I had, I bought a small cottage in the village that I was at, and set the living area to be a store front. And as they say, the rest was history!"

"As for the potions I sell, it's usually whatever Clover brings me to sell. They're all low level potions like healing and mana replenishers; that dear little witch won't allow me to sell anything stronger than that. Isn't that just cruel? Imagine the sort of money I could make with a cursing or love potion!"