


6 years, 3 months ago



Name: Whisper
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Elanthra
Occupation: Scribe, Loremaster
Abilities: Can create portals between places (can not control this), basic Elanthra magic
Aura Color: Red
Songof Inspiration 

First Appearance: Iskars Intervention
Also involved in: Life in the Void


Whisper is socially awkward and while he likes to lecture others and talk a lot, he'll shy away from social contact if he doesn't know people or if they haven't said anything that he deems as so fundamentally wrong that he needs to correct them.
It takes time for him to trust others and even more time for him to actually be friendly to them, with him often coming over rude, even sometimes when he does not mean to.

He can be incredibly focused on things he enjoys or puts a lot of worth in, so that he'll appear abscentminded at times.
Most of all, he often questions his value and worth in life a lot, though he can often be convinced to know things better than others.

While he doesn't have any outstanding talents, he is said to be great at raising animals and understanding their needs. His only true magical talent, is the ability to create portals between places, but he is not able to control this ability.
Whisper is a simple Elanthra and was born 35 years before the fall of the kingdom. In his early age, he often tended to cover his body entirely and keep away from other kids his age, deep trust issues arising from him never knowing his parents, let alone having other know who they were.

While his origin is shrouded in mistery, he grew up on a Snakkalon farm, being raised by a single, adoptive father. He was described as a difficult and odd kid, but showed talent in raising Snakkalons and taming the wild, serpent like animals.
During his childhood, he even tried to pull one Snakkalon through, that had been rejected by its mother.

Noteworthy was his friendship to Aurora, whom he met just as early. Aurora felt sorry for him and attempted to become his friend, though it proved itself as very rocky.
Eventually, Whisper, for the first time, actually had begun to like someone however, treasureing her as his best friend.

In later years, their friendship remained and though she showed intrest in more, Whisper rejected this.
This caused Auroras later marriage to Borealis and her stepping up to her Queenhood to become awkward, despite him being accepted by the new King and husband.

As the kingdom fell, years later, Whisper found himself stranded in what he calls "The Void".


-Whisper is one of the few Elanthra that was not effected by the corruption of the Kingdom, despite coming in contact with what caused said corruption
-Whisper has a scarf he can control via minimal effort magic, making it appear to move on its own at times. He uses it as an extra pair of limbs. Minimal effort magic is when magic is often used for a same task, it requires less and less attention to actively use and the color of the magical aura can become invisible.
-He likes Iskar, even when he rarely shows this
-Sees himself as helpful and friendly, even though he can often be very mean or untactful
-The orb on his scarf was a present from Queen Aurora as a sign of their deep friendship

1649689?Iskar - Pet/Friend/Child(?)

Queen Aurora - Best Friend

1620891?Phoenix - Friend(?)

1621323?Lux - Friend(?)