Aevum Horus



6 years, 3 months ago



  • Name: À̷̛͚̅͆͛̈́̓͌̄̾̍̇͛͝ṅ̶̠̪͕̓̔͘͜g̵̨̤̞̺͒̾́̅͜è̴͔̹̗̟̟͍̮̜̊̎̾l̵̛̹̺̣̀̑͒͗̽̇͑̋͊͌̈́̚ì̸̬͗͑͝͝c̶̗̭̆́̂̌͜͝͝ȁ̶̧̭̩̹̹̦͖͖͍̄͗͒̑͝, Aevum Horus
  • Alias, nickname: Hourglass lady, Clockwork woman
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Female
  • Orientation: Bi, probably
  • Height: 170cm (w/o heels, 180cm with them) / 5'5 without heels and 5'9 with them
  • Race: Human (warlock)
  • Element: Time
  • Occupation: Hunter at the Myriad Agency


Personality: Sarcastic, spry and ready to make a difference. Aevum hates being bored and always wants to keep herself busy with something. She's awfully stubborn, but will comply if you tell her off. Bit of a trickster and quite brave.
Aevum was forced into a warlock pact in the framework of a top-secret army experiment. However, she violently refused to work for them. Her patron took note of this and helped her escape. As of now, the military doesn't bother looking for her because they know that the patron will hinder their advances.


  • Likes: Clocks, watchwork, gears, automatons, puzzles, brass, gold, books, sleep, glass figurines, messing around with her time powers, building clockwork trinkets, philosophy, riddles, food, partying, music, dancing
  • Dislikes: being interrupted in daydreams, restraint, people excessively tapping her hourglass, hourglass figure jokes
  • Quirks: Flips herself upside down to reconstruct if hurt. Hourglass is virtually unbreakable. If idle, Aevum will tap out seconds with her finger. Can tell time without a clock.
  • Weapons of choice: Magic, rifle
  • Strengths: Her time powers assist her in dodging, taking long falls and controlling her enemy.
  • Weaknesses: Can only reconstruct as fast as the sand in her hourglass flows. 
  • Song:Cepheid - ChronosIcon for Hire - Pulse
  • Voice: Viktoria Modesta
  • Trivia: Her hourglass counts 12 hours, which means it flips at noon and midnight sharp. The surname "Horus" was a spur-of-the-moment decision she had to make when applying for a driver's license.
    Her patron - Yu'gar-thrii, collects names. Due to this Aevum physically can't "my name was", as the name she's referring to is no longer hers. Her current name was given to her by Yu'gar-thrii.
    aevum n (genitive aevī); second declension
    1. time, eternity
    2. lifetime, age, generation
    3. (Medieval Latin, philosophy) aevum, the mean between time and eternity, aeviternity


Time Control
Aevum can freely slow, speed and stop time. While there is a limit for how long she can slow and speed time, it's unclear if there are any restrictions on her time-stopping power. After all, if the time stops, how can one set a margin for how long it lasts? Aevum can also alter time for certain objects, like slowing down technology (her favourite kind of prank) and stopping time for an object entirely. This is also her main means of attack (should it be necessary). She can stop bullets in their tracks, turn them around and send them back or stop time to maneuver away from an attack.

By flipping herself upside down (no matter which way the hourglass happens to be flowing), Aevum can reverse time for her body and heal wounds. She usually does a handstand, presuming her arms or legs aren't badly injured. Like this, Aevum can recover from cuts, broken bones and even severed limbs (and probably head too). Should the hourglass become damaged, it reconstructs itself automatically without needing to be flipped. It seems to function like one big organ and overwrites the timeline where Aevum was injured so her wounds don't reopen. Thanks to this, wounds usually leave no scars on her.

Aevum feels the flow of time. Mostly, it is going forward. However when a person thinks about something, Aevum can determine what they're thinking about with three main factors: the speed of time, its' directon and how distorted it feels.
The direction of time decides if her subject is thinking of the past, future or present. The speed of time decides on how far into the future or far back into the past the person is thinking. Distortion is a little more complicated to explain, but if the flow is not distorted at all, it means Aevum's subject has experienced the event they're thinking about. If the flow is very disordrerly, chances are big they're thinking about something they read or saw somewhere else but never experienced.
As an example, if the flow of time is going backwards, fast, and is only slightly distorted, Aevum can deduce that the person is likely thinking about their childhood. This is a non-invasive, but also somewhat inaccurate method of divination unique to Aevum.

Mental Time Travel
Parts of her consciousness were scattered across time and universe. Most of her still remains, though. She calls the scattered parts "shards" and can freely flick between them. The shards are usually a ghost-like presence in their timeline, but sometimes manifest as animals. These shards can also move on their own and jump between timelines, trying to come back to Aevum. It has proved impossible though, as her existence takes up her current timeline and pushes the shards out. 
When Aevum enters a shard, she falls into a sort of sleep and basically dreams what the shard is experiencing. These "dreams" are lucid and fully controllable to Aevum, but she is only a spectator. They can be projected as a movie with the right equipment.


Morrigan - younger sisterHorus