


6 years, 3 months ago



21 ✦ Male ✦ Heir



Born one of the sons of the 2nd generation of Heirs in Alyrim, he still has and experiences a strong connection to the Creator. His aura is colourless, and he possesses the ability of creating amorphous solids (consisting mainly into glass) by attracting their particles, and the potency of his ability enables him to create any shape or form in a rapid speed. He can also morph parts of his body by changing the consistency in order to absorb blows efficiently.


Ihro is the character you wouldn't expect anyone to pay attention to. And in reality, nobody is. He's mild, quiet, and prefers to stay on the sideline. He dislikes coming in conflict with anyone, so he would rather keep his mouth shut than speak his opinion. His emotions seem shallow, but in actuality he's quite empathetic. He has a melancholic expression taking over his characteristics, and he rarely smiles or laughs.


Ihro is visibly thin, almost bony, standing at 1.76. His hair is styled messy and short, and the front tufts reach about under his shoulders. His hair take a dirty violet tint, but it's mostly transculent looking, as if the hair itself is made of glass. His eyes are light blue, and have a crystal like shine on them. His skin has faded freckles on his cheeks, and his lips are tinted. His knuckles are usually the same, as well as most of his joints. He crouches a bit when he stands, unless he's conscious of it. He likes wearing light fabric, and baggy clothes that are easy to move in, however he frequently changes his fashion style to match his company.


"You cannot put everything that's broken back together."

  • Tea
  • Friendly Combat
  • Animals
  • Glass Sculpting
  • Human Touch
  • Smoke
  • Fire
  • The sound of glass breaking
  • Red
  • Green Beans


Reiko is his twin sister. She was always the eldest of the two, and always made sure he wasn't pushed away by anyone.


Nulla pharetra tortor vitae lacinia placerat. Curabitur vitae hendrerit nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquet, lorem sed pellentesque blandit, leo justo rutrum turpis.


Nulla pharetra tortor vitae lacinia placerat. Curabitur vitae hendrerit nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquet, lorem sed pellentesque blandit, leo justo rutrum turpis.


Nulla pharetra tortor vitae lacinia placerat. Curabitur vitae hendrerit nisl. Nulla facilisi. Morbi aliquet, lorem sed pellentesque blandit, leo justo rutrum turpis.

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