


6 years, 3 months ago


Name Ashira
Monikers 'Shira.
Nakti, Jacent
Fellenwort, Slim, Witch
Recherché, Hellebore; the
Pictogram pictogramat1.png
Gender Female
Age Young adult
Orientation Unexplored
Race Amalgamation
Residence Mellume
The heart? Ember, ash or a flower,
— Hilda Doolittle, from Helen in Egypt; “Leuké”

Driven by that which can't be grasped, like tendrils of smoke, ever pursuing the allure of the unknown. As light as falling ash, quiet, easily smeared or blown away but not so harmlessly inhaled. Dedicated to her magical studies and the unfamiliar places they take her, currently funnelling the majority of her energy into the business shared between herself and Hlin.

Night is not something to endure until dawn. It is an element, like wind or fire. Darkness is its own kingdom; it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it.”
― Patricia A. McKillip, "Harpist in the Wind"

  • Real deer mask, zombie pelt, antlelope antlers.
  • 1.45m at the withers. Lithe and lean, sighthound-esque in structure. Built for speed.
  • Keratin plating along her muzzle and the cannon bones of her forelegs.
  • Tapetum lucidum layer present in her eyes, enhanced night vision.
  • Three horns sprout from her forehead, growing larger closer to her crown.
  • Rose ears, flexible and expressive. Able to be flattened against her neck, held half-folded, or held erect.
  • Thin fur and skin with the longest growing along the nape, over the croup, and from the end of her tail.
  • Movement and body language most often derived from canine and feline influences.
  • Exhibits canine, cervine, and feline attributes predominently. Subtle viverrid influences.
  • Lithe and wiry, though not without grace. At times, gangly and awkward.
  • Long, black hair. Often done in loose hairstyles or tied back.
  • Drawn to clothing that's a mixture of tight and flowing elements, soft and rough.
  • Fond of jewelry that incorporates elements of insects and certain gemstones, such as amethyst.
  • Has a few tattoos, some of which are easily concealed. Most notably, has a winding centipede that is usually coiled around her arm or neck.
  • Often wears light makeup, particularly enjoys experimenting with eyeshadow and eyeliner. Done for her own enjoyment.
  • In scenarios that allow it, her eyes match those of her forest form. Otherwise, dark brown.
  • Veins appear darkened under her skin, a residual effect of a deal. Usually glimpsed at her wrist and the nook of her elbow.

The soft mist was slowly lifting. Leaves lay damp and purple on the asphalt path.
― Virginia Woolf, from The Collected Works; “The Years,”

At first glance, skittish and prickly, reminiscent of a feral dog with raised hackles. Movement is often achieved with her head below the line of her spine and tail held low, slinking at the outskirts of social settings, and avoids the gaze of those around her. Frustratingly persistent in her avoidance, though by no means harmless when warnings aren't heeded - like the namesake of her moniker, the Hellebore can cause inflammation, and more, when boundaries are crossed.

Lingers behind veils and often comes to things tangentially, through metaphor and indirect references - ever on the peripheral. Often at odds internally, capable of words as sharp as frost and as velvet as night as she feels the situation requires. With comfort, her air becomes less guarded and tones of night run deeper, with flourishes and laughter. It becomes evident, then, that the night is full and vibrant without sight necessary to define shapes in the dark.

Ashira finds a rich world under the cloak of shadow and coils herself within their embrace comfortably. She is private in many ways, but equally desires connection with those she cares for. Many of her personal boundaries extend on the reverse; she seldom takes what she does not offer, herself. She craves vastness and the unknown externally but fears it within herself.

A flower with petals turned away from the sun.


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  • A student of magic, proficient in a few areas and always looking to grow her skillset.
  • Enjoys various incenses and spices. Finds importance in scent.
  • Carries a small, magical centipede as a companion. A black carapace broken up by thin, spidering lines of varying shades of amethyst. Always seems to be missing a few legs.
  • Often enigmatic in her speech. Attached to metaphors and speaking tangentially; prioritises expression.
  • Tattooed. Most prominent is a centipede tattoo that seems to always be in a different place or pose. Most often seen coiled around her neck.
  • A collector of oddities and artifacts, both for arcane and personal purposes.
  • Endlessly curious, ever chasing the feeling of something just out of her reach.
  • Maintains a strong sense of personal boundaries. Quick find offense and hold a grudge over transgressions in this regard, even extending to friendships in some cases.
  • Despite this, a goofy idiot when comfortable.

When the show is over,
the applause is meant for stars
but my ovation is for the shadows.
— Sally Wen Mao, from “Anna May Wong Rates the Runway,” Oculus

Though generally inclined for flight over fight, the Recherché is capable of the latter in both human and feral form. Trained, though not an experience combatant, to defend herself in situations that call for it. Built for speed and with thin skin, her tactics primarily involve avoiding being hit in the first place.

Her weapons in her forest form are primarily her teeth, hooves, and horns. The amalgam's dentition is heterodont, with sharp canines and premolars designed for piercing and holding flesh, and molars designed for slicing and crushing. Doesn't have a strong bite force, but entirely capable of gripping and and tearing - leaves a nasty bite all the same.
From her forehead protrude three slightly curving horns, shortest at the front and longest toward the top of her skull. These are used least of all of her natural weapons, though at the right angle may pierce or puncture flesh with the same efficacy of any antler.

With many magical abilities under her belt, the amalgam is not all she appears at first glance. Spells primarily deal with the swift coagulation of blood, minor hexes, and distractions though this is not exclusive. She rarely utilises spells during combat unless things are dire, in which case the price is worth it. Something to be discussed oocly if it ever comes up!


The residence of her family and where she has lived the majority of her young life. Expanding from now, but finds enough reasons to continue to consider it her primary residence.

The Endless Forest

A realm known since her youth. Visited often in quiet hours, prone to using such time for reading or thinking.


Mini Magics – A shop started with Hlin within the Dreaming City. Runs the day-to-day operations primarily on her own at present, and often stays overnight to finish up projects. Using trinkets and jewellery procured by her business partner, produces minor enchantments for sale. Seldom truly seen, remains an enigma to most of their patrons.

I, too, am dim to my friends and unknown; a phantom,
sometimes seen, often
not. Life is a dream surely.
— Virginia Woolf, "The Waves"
code by jiko