Silas Astor



1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Silas Astor
Name meaning: Forest

Age: 20-21
Species: Human
Height: 6’3 ft (190 cm)

Birthday: December 20
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Personality: Silas is pretty cool and collected, and can come off as standoffish or stoic. However, he’s often lost in thought and startled easily. He’s very kind, often lending a helping hand to those in need.

Likes: Reading, being outside, going on walks
Dislikes: roaches, heights, tight spaces

Extra Facts:
- Silas is a runaway Prince, and was the 3rd in line to the royal throne of the Astor Kingdom.
- He ran away to be with Kenna, as their relationship was disapproved by his family.
- He has known Kenna since they were kids, and her mother was his magic instructor
- He is more skilled with a sword than magic, and can only successfully perform a few spells. Learning magic basics was part of his palace lessons as a child.
- He lives alone with Kenna in a small cottage in the forest
- He’s a skilled hunter
- His favorite color is Blue