Lord Eternal DawnStrider



1 year, 9 months ago


Lord Relentless Eternal Defiant Clever Excellent Ambedo Hero Paro Edel Dawnstrider

  • Age24
  • SpeciesTeifling
  • PronounsHe/They
  • OrientationAse/Panromantic
  • Relationship StatusRelucantly betrothed
  • BuildGymnast
  • Height6'9"
  • OccupationBard of Glamor
  • Voicenull
  • Themenull









  • Music
  • Dolor sit
  • Amet consectetur adipiscing
  • Nullam euismod


  • Elit
  • Curabitur in
  • Metus
  • Morbi

Lord Relentless Eternal Defiant Clever Excellent Ambedo Hero Paro Edel Dawnstrider is his full name and it will get longer.


A caption can go here

Event 1

Born in a small fishing hamlet Vertwynne in North Ncentla, Eternal was  the youngest of four children. He started with a very subdued  personality that quickly blossomed into loud and bombastic as he tries  to make a name for himself and make sure his brother is still alive and  well. Most of him is performative, but it's become a second nature now.
When  he left, his family wasn't very happy, incredibly concerned for his  well-being after the pattern of his older siblings being injured when  adventuring. He has resolved to write them letters every so often as he  travels.
He doesn’t claim to be a noble, but he doesn’t correct  people if they assume such by his name and rings. Eternal is not opposed  to stealing and cheating if it benefits him. He draws the line at  pointless violence and senseless killing

Looking for Belsolis Dothri
Sending letters to Arne Dothri, Mislia Dothri, Voyage Dothri and Norfyr Dothri

Cover Stories

"Lord DawnStrider":
Born to a distance noble family/heir to a distant plot of land
Large family. Both parents, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 aunt living with them, 2 uncles, and 4 cousins (2 women, 1 man, 1 nb) They get along well enough.
Belsolis is an old friend.

"Journey DawnStrider":
Just someone from a small town. No one special.
Closest to his actual background as he'll get.
One of twins. His twin left to travel the land and see the sights. He's trying to support their mom back home.
Belsolis is his brother.

"Clever DawnStrider":
Son of a merchant. Second born. Looking to earn his way back into his father's good graces. Looking to settle a debt with Belsolis.

Son of a thief. It's all he knows.
Only child. Mother died in childbirth. Father is desperate and sick.
Sob story.
Belsolis stole his mother's jewelry from his father and he's looking to get it back while his father searches another location.

Traveling performer
Family is small, two siblings. Father's dead.
Belsolis is the killer.

The evil and crime loving gross boi

Magic and designs

His shawl and nail polish change colors and appearance based on what ability he uses or spell he concentrates on.
[Bardic Inspiration]- Questionmark butterfly
[Song of Rest]- Mourning Cloak butterfly
[Mantle of Inspiration]- Pipevine butterfly
[Enthralling Performance]- Shorttail butterfly
[Mantle of Majesty]-
[Unbreakable Majesty]-

[Abjuration]- Peacock Butterfly
[Conjuration]- Monarch Butterfly
[Divination]- Orange Tip Butterfly
[Enchantment]- Northern Birdwing Butterfly
[Evocation]- Blue Cracker Butterfly
[Illusion]- Red-spotted Purple Butterfly
[Necromancy]- Death Moth
[Transmutation]- Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.


Name Here

Relationship Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit. Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor. Vestibulum magna orci, placerat feugiat erat quis, pulvinar efficitur quam. Sed sed urna blandit, porttitor quam nec, lobortis diam. Aenean vitae efficitur leo, et auctor ante. Mauris sed maximus nulla.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur in metus in diam euismod suscipit
  • Curabitur imperdiet in ligula eget tempor
  • Vestibulum magna

  • Creator@Username
  • Designer(s)@Username
  • Obtained byTrade/ Resale/ Gift
  • Total Value$0.00

"A quote can go here..."