Raiqual Sanctignus



2 years, 2 months ago


One of an original species of mine called a False Wyvern. They have a hooked beak-like mouth with protruding teeth, very large eyes with pupils that can contract to slits that are almost invisible, and three horns on their head. They walk on their wings, specifically on a pad at the base of their thumb claw. The wing membranes are supported by two fused fingers, and the trailing edge of the membrane connects to the tail just behind the hind legs. False Wyverns have small forearms that are often hidden behind their wings as they walk on the ground, these forearms have two fingers and a semi-opposable thumb. Their hind legs have just two toes. They have scaled skin similar to a monitor lizard, and a single row of sharp triangular spines running down the back, becoming large spikes on the tail.

Raiqual appears black, but is actually a very dark red-brown. His wing membranes are the lightest in colour, appearing more like a dark maroon. Eyes are bright orange-red, pupils are slitted and black but are often so contracted only the thinnest line can be seen. Cannot shapeshift, but an AU Tiefling form does exist.

Raiqual is an immortal bounty hunter/hitman for Celestials/Deities. He works closely with two other immortal bounty hunters Sebastian the Vampire and Limbo the Egyptian Chimera. Raiqual prefers jobs where the target does not need to be kept alive, he finds those jobs less of a hassle.

Raiqual is an intimidating individual with resting bitch face, but he’s generally a pretty passive guy. Whilst he won’t go out of his way to be friendly to strangers if someone does try and interact with him he will be fairly cordial. Raiqual is aware that kids can find him quite scary, and he will actively try and make himself seem less intimidating if there are children present.

Raiqual is immortal, while he can be killed in every way a mortal can be he will not stay dead, reviving after a little while. How long it takes him to revive depends on the severity of the death, it could be a couple of hours or it could take days. Reviving heals him fully, it’s essentially a factory reset, as such he rarely keeps scars for very long, if he is killed the scars will be gone upon his revival. Raiqual treats death like an inconvenience, and uses his immortality as an excuse to do reckless or dangerous things. In serious situations, such as for his work, he will be more careful and try to avoid death, even if just because it would be very annoying if he spent weeks tracking someone only to die, take a week to revive, and then have to do the tracking all over again.

Raiqual is married to Drakkan, is gay and prefers using male pronouns.