Mislia Dothri



1 year, 9 months ago


She/her | The EldestTM | 35

A hard worker, dedicated to her family and her home. An accident in her early teens with the other teens left her with a broken horn and them with several other broken noses. Norfyr, her father, quickly brought her in for protection, at least to the best of his ability. She snuck back out after her injury healed. Due to her need to prove that she wasn’t a coward and could stand on her own.
She helped raise her siblings, but when Belsolis reached his early teens, with Arne able to walk on her own, she began to travel with her mother, Voyage and catch fish on The Magpie, working for Voiceless. Until an accident with a massive carnivorous fish cost her left hand. She left fishing to recover from her injury. She helped raise Merai during this time before she got use to the shitty prosthetic. It took her a few weeks to get use to the new one Lord Eternal DawnStrider sent her way a little while after he left.