Crisih Amadan



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Crisih Amadan

Pesterhandle: ravenousChordata

Godtier: Thief of Rage 12334027_21Yn231jeIVB49h.png

Prospit Dreamer  sway_prospit.png

Purple Blood

Typing Quirk: 

  • Capitalizes all V's
  • Punctuation is very random for the most part.
Example: RC: i didnt KIlL yOu becausee ur a lowBlooD,, I kIlled yoU beCause ur a THOT!

Batkind for strife. Shark lusus.

Crisih is your stereotypical purpleblood. He chugs Faygo and gets high off his ass like there's no tomorrow. He does it because it's a good way to pass the time, true, but it also helps him keep his mind off the bad. Crisih often has awful dreams that make no sense to him when he wakes up. What he's seeing is actually the Prospit clouds of potential future, but he has no way of knowing this while on Alternia, and his friends often tell him it's just his imagination/the drugs. His Kismesis, Ryusko, often comes over when the drones sweep the area he lives in.

Playlist: Click here!

♠️: Ryusko Blitzr 

♣️: Jonnae > Crisih Amadan ♠️ Ryusko Blitzr


♦️: Jonnae Farkas