


2 years, 2 months ago


Name Goldenheart

Former Names Goldenkit

Gender Male (he/him)

Orientation Bisexual

Apprentice open

Rank Warrior

Residence Shadow clan


Golden has rather short fur that sticks close to his body, it is always groomed and clean as Golden feels he needs to look presentable at all times. His physique is strong and muscled, his long legs are powerful and he is practically a tank. His presence radiates righteous and strong, with a tone of familiarity and friendliness. He does his best to be nice to other cats and at the very least tolerant though he isn't scared to speak up. The golden tones in his pelt do little to help him blend in within the darkness of shadowclan but it is certainly good within tall grasses. His expression is always schooled and managed to look neutral or calculating. Golden carries himself proudly, shoulders squared up and head held high. He doesn't act like he's above other cats but it is apparent he knows his position and power.

A large wild cat mix with tabby and serval markings and bright blue eyes.

Design notes
  • Age: 34 moons
  • Starting: 34 moons | July 21 2022
  • Bans: F2, 2 Custom accessories
  • He inherited his accessories from his grandfather, a serval cat who was a former kittypet
  • Used an extra advantage
  • speed
  • Notable design attributes: A star is on the front of his harness, 18in


Goldenheart is a warrior anybody would like to have on their side, hes loyal dependable and always looking out for others above himself. He is very skilled in battle tactics and prides himself on his skill. He will never leave another cat's side in their time of need and is compassionate and kind to most everyone. He isn't afraid to speak his mind on his opinions and thoughts on matters, he feels truth and honesty is the best thing.

Golden is stubborn as a mule and never wavers in his thoughts or actions, he is going to do something no matter what anyone says. He always views actions and consequences in the here and now and doesn't think ahead as often as he should.

  • quiet
  • patrols
  • morning fog
  • cocky cats
  • sudden changes
  • loud noises


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Goldenkit was born a singlet, a small and weakened kit riddled with sickness from the start. The cold was still present in the air and he spent his early moons huddled as close to his mother as he could, in and out of quarantine with sickness and coughs. Everyone was betting the kit wouldn't survive as sad as that was, but it was just a matter of truth with how poorly he was. But, slowly he started to get better. His sickness no longer contagious, his cough lessening and he could feel like he could breathe for once in his short life. He was back in the nursery for good now, a surprise to everyone including his mother. His father was hardly in the picture at the time, only mentioned in passing fearful tones. Goldenkit didn't care though, he had his mother and he'd protect her from everything. It was around this time he met Juniperkit, a little older than he was at the time but the two became fast friends, they were inseperable.

Goldenkit had shown his personality early on, jumping into problems and "protecting" others. Stepping between bullies and even on one occasion his mother and father. Which he promptly just got shoved aside by his father before the cat left. Each time Golden found himself in the middle of something Juniper wasn't to far behind to pull him away from it. Even when the tom became an apprentice he was still looking out for Goldenkit when he got in over his head, which was almost always.

When Golden became an apprentice nothing much changed, he was smaller than most of the apprentices and if anything his stubborness and fight only got bigger. He was still quite sickly, not the proper weight and was often struggling but that didn't keep him from his duties much. He pushed himself above and beyond his limits constantly and Juniper was always there to pull him back and tell him to take care of himself. Golden around this time had started to hang aroud his grandfather, a former kittypet and serval. He was a large, intimidating cat covered in scars and was quite scary looking. However he was the opposite and acted much like how golden does in his adult life. Golden's grandfather was a brave and compassionate cat who put himself above others all his life up until his retirement. The old tom encouraged Golden to keep being who he was, to keep standing up for the little guys and always fight for what is right.

When Juniperpaw "ran away" it felt like he didn't have much fight in him left at the start. Why would he leave? He wouldn't leave, not without saying goodbye, not without telling him. He knew something was up, knew Viperpaw had a hand in it somehow. No one believed him, they believed he ran away and Goldenpaw was pissed. He pushed himself even further in his training, retreating into himself for awhile after Juniper's dissapearance.

Goldenpaw became Goldenheart, named for his bravery and compassion. He had grown some, gotten fuller but was still quite small. He promptly threw himself into the raids against riverclan, wanting to serve his clan and protect his clan mates. It only took a few moons for Golden to shoot up to his full height and gain his strength. He became a formidable opponent, large and scary who knew how to command cats and spark morale within them. His grandfather passed after a few moons, passing on the harness and head piece to Golden. The raids helped distract Golden from everything, he hadn't made any real connections since Juniper and kept cats at arms length. He went out looking for Juniper still any chance he got no matter how futile. He truly was a sad cat and once the raids ended he came to know this. He had nobody around anymore, his parents both gone in the raids he hardly had time to mourn his mother. Not that he wanted to, he didn't want to feel the loss of another cat so close. So he buried it, buried everything.

But with a glint of black and white fur within familiar forests, there may be hope.


  • Rolls
  • HP: 100
  • DMG Roll: d22
  • Defense: -1
  • ADV: Speed, Catching
  • DIS: Deception
  • Voice Claim: Chris Evans
  • -


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