


6 years, 8 months ago


Many humans tend to think of the other eight realms of the world as a world of Gods; where immortals live and laugh and eat all day in their worlds of great banquets, but this could not be farther than the truth. In reality, the other realms are much like ours. They simply contain those who have powers, those who naturally live longer, those who are able to live through injuries we would consider instantly fatal. They still have families, friends, enemies, they still have the poor, the weak, the sick and dying; their lives only seem amazing to us because of our own flaws and cultural boundries. Any ''God'' would tell you that their lives seem normal and boring to them, and that they certainly do not live a life of eternal feasting - and that, to them, they are no more Gods than we. They have blacksmiths, farmers, peasants and slaves - preachers, fighters, and thieves. However, this is not meant to focus on how the Gods live. No, this is meant to focus on only one specific person that does one specific job. He is called 'Ice Eyes', and he is a bounty hunter.

The bounty hunters of the other realms are just the same as ours were in history. They would track down thieves, murderers, and other low-lives that lords or villages needed removed (or simply caught). Unlike our bounty hunters, however, each bounty hunter had their own powers, their own unique ways of tracking people/creatures down and taking care of them. Some used these powers to focus on certain kinds of bounty hunting. The strong would always keep an eye out of the monsters, while te ones with....Questionable pasts of their own would focus on the thieves. Ice Eyes, however, was especially known for not being picky, and not really caring much about the bounty, either. Some say that he has a passion for hunting; one he gained from his mother which was said to be a basilisk from a far away lands. Others claim that he just has a good heart, and that removing threats and saving people brings him immense joy. No one has managed to prove either, however, as he always disappears once the job is done in a thick, freezing mist that follows him wherever he goes. One thing that is certain, though, is how quickly he can get the job done.

Ice Eyes got his namesake from the same thing that makes him so effective; his basilisk freeze. All it takes is a split second of eye contact, and he can freeze his enemy right in its tracks. Only the ice beings are uneffeceted; but even they are paralysed by his stare. Once the creature is frozen solid, he can easily despatch of the body with his beloved axe, Ice-Breaker. Those who are smart enough to avoid his gaze are often surprised by Ice Eye's fighting prowess. His blows are strong enough to bend steel, and he is able to dodge his foes with the grace of a deer.