


6 years, 3 months ago



  • Age25
  • BirthdayOctober 28
  • ZodiacScorpio
  • GenderMale (he/him)
  • OrientationDemisexual
  • Height6'1"
  • Buildtoned, muscles
  • WeaponSword, Gun
  • Sentic Ability 1none
  • Sentic Ability 2none









  • late nights
  • wings and beer
  • trivia
  • small animals


  • natural talent
  • trains
  • people holding back
  • sweet food

A very clever and self reliant man. While he gives off a very sly and shady appearance, he's surprisingly easy to get along with. A very chatty person, who enjoys poking fun and teasing people. With a very sarcastic and witty type of tone. Growing up on the streets led to giving him many various skills, though he has little to no proper education. His work as a mercenary gave him a very bold and brash streak when it comes to most situations. Charming on the streets, and fierce on the battle field, Alister is not one to make enemies with. While he clearly has his secrets, trying to figure him out is next to impossible.


A mercenary, seen on moonlit nights.

The Beginning

Alister is born in the capital city, (name). Born as the youngest son with two older brothers, Milo the middle brother, and Leven the oldest brother, along with a mom and dad. Alisters childhood was rough growing up, the Caverah name comes with heavy shackles of expectations. In Aldonia, sentic powers are considered essential to daily life, and to not be born with sentic powers is heavily looked down upon. Alister had the rare unfortunate chance to not be born with any sentic powers, something his family was ashamed of greatly. By the time he was 8 years old, Alisters father ordered Leven to kill him, hoping to rid the stain that Alister would put on the family, not wanting the secret of him not having sentic powers to get out to the public. Leven though couldn't bare the idea of killing his little brother, and instead told Alister to leave and run away, and to never show his face to the family again. With this, Alister was now on his own on the streets having no one to care for but himself. He decided to toss away the name he was born with, Silas, and to now live his life as Alister.

Over the years Alister grew many skills from his life on the street, from how to steal to how to protect ones self. He picked up a young Eidolon creature as well for company, calling it Razbahltimor, Raz for short. Eventually he took work up as a mercenary. It's not pretty work, but it kept him alive and fed. It was through this line of work that he was able to get his cortia, taken off the body of a dead man. While he had no sentic powers to have amplify with the cortia, it did provide him with a weapon still, an oddly shaped sword. Cortias are a government issued tool, so to get his hands on one was a great blessing.

When Alister was 20, it was during this time that he ran into a young girl on the city streets, Ayesha Bellerose. It was rare for him to show care, but he could remember what it was like to be alone on the streets, he just couldn't leave the poor girl alone. So the two of them quickly grew a close bond, with Ayesha telling him many fantastical stories. Stories about how she came from "a black hole", and about how the people back at home, they were just like Alister. No sentic powers. Of course Alister took it as nothing more than just a childs wild imagination. One day though, the young girl asked him if he would like to see her home, to see people just like himself. And much to his surprise, the child was truly able to open something that looked like a black hole, with another world it looked like on the other side. Handing Raz over to her, he told Ayesha to stay there, while he would look around at the other side. But no sooner did he step into the other side, the hole behind him closed. 

For the past 5 years now, Alister has been stuck on this side, a world called Vi'sicia. Things were much different over here, indeed the people were like him, lacking sentic powers. There was also many different types of inventions that he would never even dream of back in Aldonia. He didn't dislike his new life in this new place, it was easy to adapt. But everyday he would always wonder in the back of his mind, what had happened, if Ayesha was ok? 

The Middle


The End



Ayesha Bellerose

Ally, Friend, Daughter figure

Meeting Ayesha when she was younger, the two of them were very close, feeling something like a father to her. Years down the road meeting her again though, Alister finds it hard to try and pretend he doesn't know and care for the young girl. To make it worse, it seems with out her memory, she highly dislikes Alister. Going out of her way to make faces at him or ignore him all together.  Over the time traveling together, Ayesha comes to trust Alister more, feeling safe with his protective streak for her. Letting her tough shell crack bit by bit, he's now starting to see shades of the little Ayesha he once knew all those years ago. She's an incredibly important person to Alister, and he would fight tooth and nail for the little girls happiness.


Soren Lockridge

Ally, Enemy (?)

At their first meeting, Alister could tell right away Soren was the type of person to wear on his nerves. The perfect person, who could do no wrong, and everyone adored. Their relationship at first was a rocky one, with Alister looking for any opportunity to butt heads and pick on the kid. Overtime being stuck with the boy, and enduring many a challenges together, Alister found his opinion changing about Soren. From escaping a still moving train, to hiding their identity from town to town, they bonded over every challenge thrown at them. It's something he doesn't even like to admit to himself, but his time spent with Soren was now time he genuinely enjoyed. Even so, there's parts of Alister that still have a bit of a sore part when it comes to Soren. After all Soren is everything Alister could never be...


Leven Caverah

Brother, Enemy

The older brother from a past he left behind. Alister hates admitting it, but Lev is one of the few people in the world that can make him feel a sense of fear. Their twisted prideful family ruined the once caring brotherly bond they shared. If it wasn't for Lev sparing him that day when he was 8 years old, Alister would no longer have been a part of this world. But now years later, it seems Lev has grown the same twisted pride and duty their father once carried. Seeing Alister again, Lev is now prepared to do what he couldn't do all those years ago, after all Alister is a stain on the family history.


Jocelyn Hallmark


The member of the Elites that Alister finds himself facing one on one the most often. It would seem she is quite close with his brother, something that Alister takes note of. The two of them are a bit similar, loud and boisterous, but coy and underhanded on the battlefield. Jojo is usually stationed on the Vi'Sicia side of the world, so Alister is quite familiar with her and the shows she puts on for crowds. She has a soft spot for the people born of Vi'Sicia, something that Alister appreciates, but also can't help but feel that maybe her feelings are that of pity for those with out sentic powers. Normally Aliser doesn't enjoy harming a girl, but she's above and beyond his equal in a fight, Alister having to put his all into the fight with the extremely powerful Elite.



Friend, Pet, Food rations

Alister has raised the young Eidolon since he was a young boy on the streets. For the longest time Raz was the only companion and friend Alister had, he's very fond of the small creature. It warms his heart to see Raz growing a strong bond with Ayesha, and is happy his faithful companion has helped to take care of the young girl all these years. He loves to crack jokes about eating Raz when the food gets low.

Design Notes

  • Tan skin, well built body
  • His hair is pushed back on one side of the front of his face
  • Born left handed, but is ambidextrous
  • Holds sword with left hand, and gun with right hand
  • Cortia (Red gem) located on his left glove

"Hey, I don't mind helping, but it comes at a price."