Alex Hayes



2 years, 1 month ago


Alex Hayes - Character Info {wip}

Birthday: December 17th

Appearance: He has longish bleached blond hair with darker brown roots that he keeps either neat and trim or often in a mullet. He has a slender jaw and large nose, complemented by high cheekbones and bright blue eyes. He has a small sprinkling of freckles across his nose and cheeks. He is most often wearing a large pink sweatshirt and skinny jeans. He will change it up though with different sweaters, hoodies and band tee-shirts. The pink one is just his favourite, the type of sweater you wear over everything until you have to wash it. He dresses really casually until there’s an occasion that calls for something fancier. He usually wears converse or vans. High tops from both brands. For socks he goes to hot topic to find socks of his favourite characters.

Relationships: (Johnny) Anderson - Boyfriend of 6 years. They met as teens through Alex’s sister Lilly. After Lilly and Anderson broke up, he and Alex became nearly inseparable. They spend a lot of their time together gardening and crafting to improve their home. They live together in a trailer and have a spot near a beach they rent. They fell in love mainly over their mutual love of skateboarding and music, both playing music and listening to it. They still spend plenty of time together, often going to the skate park, or playing small shows around the towns in their area. They also sell some of their extra produce at the farmers market together.

Lilly Hayes - Older Sister. Lilly is 2 years older than Alex, they haven't had a super strong relationship since Anderson and Alex started dating. As kids they were super close, spending a lot of their time reading together and going on bike rides. They had a really close relationship with their parents until their dad left, leaving their mom to deal with two kids on her own. They moved out early, when they were 16 and 14, still living near each other even though they aren’t in the same house anymore. Alex and Anderson still have a good relationship with Lilly and Anderson’s daughter, Margo so she doesn’t want to take that away from her daughter. She wants to get over the strain of Alex dating her ex and repair their relationship, but knows that it will take a while for her to get over that.