Fayt Kahn



6 years, 3 months ago


Fayt Kahn

Intelligent Sarcastic Antagonistic

Name || Fayt Kahn
Alias || Sindahli, Sindahlion
Gender || Male
Age || BCD: 7, 15, 19; SR: 25; VR: 125 (looks 19)
Birthdate || July 23, 1998
Sign || Leo
Species || Vampire
Orientation || Aromantic
Occupation || Head of the British Coven of Vampires, Leader of the British Militia
Status || Single
Birthplace || London, England. United Kingdom.


Fayt has a nack for ittitating people; he comes off a little rude or sarcastic especially when he is correcting people. He does it both intentionally and unintentionally; it is mostly just habit. He gets easily irritated by others who are not at his level and don't understand how things are done. He always pushes for a better way of doing things even if it means stepping on other peoples toes.

He can be very emotional at times which usually expresses itself as severe anger or depression. He has been known to lash out at people violently (physically and verbally) when he is at his breaking point or sepertating himself from others and withdrawing into himself. Though at times he has displayed a high-opinion of himself it is actually the opposite; he is often at war with himself and believes he is a terrible person.

He is a bit of a risk taker and with often do things that people would have advised against even though he gets results.

Beneath it all Fayt cares for people very deeply and is always working to make sure that they are taken care of and that they don't have to suffer. He strives to make the world a better place and is very capable of being a kind, compassionate person. He tends to also be quite trusting of others that many would deem untrust worthy and gives second chances.


Books/Reading and Learning
Sleeping/Skipping Work
Spending time with Calim
Plants and Flowers


Daichi Takeshi
People who hurt children and innocents
Feeling Trapped
Following Orders



Fayt grew up in the Vampire Coven of Britain being cared for by his Elder Daichi Takeshi because they were not allowed to be raised by their parents. At a young age he was surprisingly smart oftening surpasing his Professors and form mates. He was treated by most of his peers with disdain because they did not enjoy being lesser then him. He did his best to ignore them and focus on his work; he had one friend Fitz who helped him through.

Around the age of three, Daichi became absuive. There was not only emotional and verbal trauma but it had escilated to physical violence as well. Fayt never told anyone exactly how bad it got but there was nothing anyone could have done. He shouldered it like he did his form mates attitudes and took comfort in his friendship with Fitz and the attention the Head of the Coven Eallair Amandus was giving him.

At fifteen he and Fitz joined the Vampire Brigade where Fayt made a whole group of other people dislike him because he poked holes in his Unit Leaders plans but some of his peers had begun acting a bit nicer towards him. Fayt and Daichi were avoiding each other and he just wanted to move on with his life.

Around this time a group of Vampires attacked the Coven to gain information about a relic. They used Fitz to hurt Fayt to get to Eallair in a failed ploy that ended with Fitz being killed by Daichi who was working for them.

Something in Fayt snapped and the boy became a killer in his desire to kill Daichi and ended up killing another. He broke from his Coven and chased Daichi and the other Vampires all over Europe for four years before meeting Calim. The two formed a friendship and they decided that they were going to stop Daichi and the other Vampires together.

From a young age, Fayt suffered terrible nightmares of things he had never seen about violents deaths amongst other things; when Daichi became abusive they got worse. They lessened somewhat as he got older but after Fitz died, they spirled out of control and he began clawing his arm opening in the middle of the night as a copping mecinism. He never talks about his dreams.

Fayt also has no real interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone. He has found that all types of relationships are disfunctional and some are just not worth the pain. He maintains the friendships he does have; not wanting to rock the boat with anything more.



Parents: Eallair Amandus (father) and Karen Kahn (mother)
Elder: Daichi Takeshi


Immortality and Does not age
Near Instant Healing Capabilities
Feeds on Blood
Immunity to Crosses
Shape Changining Ability; Japanese Dragon and The Gate Keeper
Elemental Magic (rarely uses)


Two Hand Held Axes


Name Means: that which is inevitably predetermined and Destiny; King, ruler, leader
He speaks four languagues; English, French, German and Latin
Owns a lot of clothing and enjoys shopping for clothes.
Usually always has painted nails.
Songs: All that I'm Living For by Evanescence. Easier to Run by Linkin Park. Underneath by Adam Lambert. Animal I have Become by Three Days Grace.

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