


6 years, 2 months ago


worth: $50
given to me by Pom <3

his theme song is How to Be a Heartbreaker

- participates in an illegal item smuggling "business" as a Catalyst
   • the business is called [REDACTED] but is colloquially referred to as "the Ring"
- he takes the harder jobs: as in, illegal drugs and arms && occasionally helps import body parts to sell on the black market
- his boss favors him, but is also twice as strict with him than the other recruits, simply b/c his boss wants Marcel to be the best he can possibly be
- his skills allows him to stay above ground and on rooftops and other city structures, but not delve into country or across country boundaries
- to outsiders of the Ring, he introduces himself as Asylum. a fake name, obviously, but one that is shady enough not to warrant further questions.
- Marcel has gotten in trouble numerous times before, even being jailed. it pays having friends in high places.

- his tail is prehensile and allows him to grasp structures to ensure he does not slip and fall to his death. however, it is too weak to be able to to hold his whole weight.

- parkour

- trained in muay thai and krav maga

- people person; able to convince and lie easily

- natural charmer to ease lips and reveal secrets

- he feels as though everybody's out to get him

- constantly tiptoeing around most people so as not to get in trouble

- blunt, but reserved and respectful in most cases

- not easily intimidated, but first impressions are incredibly important to him, b/c he likes to see what everybody is like

- womanizer! in his free time, he likes to hook up with girls who are impressed with "bad boys" — little do they know, he's an insecure PoS
- doesn't believe that anyone likes him for him
- hasn't yet had a serious relationship, but he's subconsciously craving one

- he always lies about his age. "coworkers" and people in the business with him always debate whether or not he's in his 20s or 30s, but realistically he's around his early 20s. where and when he got the skills this early in his life, who knows.