


6 years, 2 months ago



the baker 🍰💕

Layout by Jayden   •   CHARACTER BY ERUDI

Mai ♥

• dorky• awkward• adorable
NameMai PachecoHeight5'3"
Age26Weight~105 lbs
GirlfriendA.J. Wulf
Favorite colorBlue
• Napping
• Snuggles
• Watching TV
• Writing/reading fanfiction
• Kinky role plays
• Breathing trouble
• Anxiety
• Cold weather
• Her old roommate, Emmy

Notable quotes:
"My girlfriend could kick your butt!"
"Everyone really loves those galaxy donuts. I guess they're out of this world. :3c"
"The anti-shippers don't stand a chance after this episode!!!"

Mai moved in with AJ at the eleventh hour, having to move out of the small apartment she shared with Emmy. Emmy decided to up and leave when she got engaged, and Mai couldn't afford the rent on her own. It was her first winter working at her bakery. AJ, a frequent customer, offered her a place to stay. It was supposed to be a temporary thing; Mai just needed to get back on her feet financially. But it turned out they both had deeper feelings for each other than anticipated.

Living with AJ has done wonders for her. Before moving in with AJ, Mai was underweight. She was suffering from undiagnosed asthma, which was getting worse as the winter days got colder. To top it all off, her anxiety was through the roof. She needed someone kind to protect and care for her. AJ fulfills her deepest needs for comfort and affection, as well as her most titillating fantasies about someone strong overpowering her. Their safe word is "Battlefield," which was inspired by Mai's favorite TV drama series, Battlefield of the Heart.

They found Egg one day while coming back during a storm. He was a small kitten with no collar. At first they took him in just to keep him sheltered during the storm, but Mai soon fell in love with the little fuzzball. They named him Egg because of the egg-shaped patches on his back and because he looks like a fuzzy egg when he's curled up on the bed. Mai frequently uses eggs when she bakes, so it is a fitting name for their beloved feline.