Dr. Ezekiel Dirge



2 years, 1 month ago


Dr. Ezekiel Dirge is a medical doctor, specifically a surgeon, as well as a roboticist (i think that's a word?) Who deals in creation and implementation of cybernetics and other robotics. He is a bit of a mad scientist, but all his "patients" are volunteers. So thought he's evil, he still has some form of morals.

He usually takes people who have weak and sickly parts in their  bodies and replaces parts with cybernetics of high quality, free of charge. However he also makes it clear that he designed and created these parts and makes them sign waivers and agreements so he won't be liable in case of parts failure or accidents.

He does have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and warranties on the parts as well though, so if a part starts failing he or one of his apprentices will replace the parts free of charge

You may ask "how is he evil?"

He is evil in that every person he thinks will be of use to him that he works on also gets a subliminal messaging device implanted during surgery, which will make the "patient" believe that they should do whatever task he  programs that Device to direct them to do, and that those are their own thoughts


And the clinic he runs that he does these in is basically funded by charity donations from both people he's helped and the richer people of the city who want to look good for the public