Catacomb's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Laurel Global Rules

Design Terms of Service

  • - Any form of misogyny towards me or my designs will not be tolerated, I have the right to avoid interactions that make me uncomfortable.
  • - Do not create explicit nsfw of my anthro designs. I do not wish to have sexual content involving characters i’ve designed that are ANIMALS. Do not purchase or adopt an anthro design from me if you cannot adhere to keeping them SFW. This rule does not apply to human/humanoid designs from me. Breaching this will result in blocking/personal blacklisting.
  • - Do not whitewash, thin, detransition or erase the disabilities of my designs. If a design is a POC and/or fat, keep it that way, this includes shifting weight distribution to a character to make them unrealistically "voluptuous" or "curvier" (things like increasing or decreasing chest size are ok).
  • You can always turn my thin designs into plus-size or muscular designs.
  • With that being said, any other attribute of the design is free to change. (color palette, clothes, accessories, aesthetic etc) I am completely supportive of redesigning something to fit your taste better.
  • - You may edit on top of my art as long as you credit it accordingly. However, please respect the rule above ^ when editing art or designs you've received from me.
  • - Do not draw nudity over ***my*** artwork in any way without permission (example being adding genitalia on top of a barbie nudity reference **I** drew). You are free to draw the character however you want in your own style.
  • - If a notable amount of changes have been made (meaning the current design is drastically different from the initial design sold) you are free to go ahead and credit yourself for the character.
  • - Co-owns are allowed but do not involve me in it, I am not responsible for any disagreement or issue that may arise with co-owning.
  • - Once a design is yours, it is yours. I do not revoke designs, ever.
  • - You can always turn my designs into CS, you do not have to ask me for permission since the character is yours.

About reselling:

  • - If a character was bought monetarily, you can resell them for the price you bought them for. If they have received additional goods such as personal art and commissioned art you can increase their worth when selling.
  • - If a character was acquired through a trade, (character trade, art trade…) you may still sell them for monetary profit a la the first point. You will have to determine the monetary worth of the trade yourself, though.

  • - Regardless of how they were initially bought, you can always trade my designs for other characters, art, etc. Figure it out between you and whoever is interested in trading with you.
  • - Vouchers are allowed.
  • - If a character was purchased for free, (ie: giveaway) please do not sell them for anything unless they have received additional goods.

if someone has repeatedly disrespected my designs and work I can choose not to do business with them in the future.

Have a question that wasn't answered here? Please check my FAQ. Only message me if it is an urgent question.