Bread Kureiji



6 years, 2 months ago


Bread Kureiji

Male . Stuck as 19 years old


Awkward . Self-critical . Unlucky

"Is this... Is this map turned upside down?"


Race: fantasy traveler/dimension hopper
Role: planet troubleshooter
MBTI: none
Orientation: pansexual
Sign: none (cancer in most universes)
Alignment: lawful neutral
Flower: forget-me-not
Theme: Martyr


  • Lizards/dragons/birds
  • Playing soccer
  • Herbarium
  • Camping


  • Stuffy and dark spaces
  • Clock ticking
  • Medicine and needles
  • Hot days


Worried and shy everytime. Completely unlucky. Always gets in the worst case scenario. Once a pen flew right into his eye, despite the fact that they were aiming at a completely different place. And then the ink ended exactly when Bread took the pen in hand. Bread always disappears at the wrong time, just when someone needs him most. Because of this, Bread has not the best reputation. He is self-critical, likes to humiliate himself as a joke. Does not know when to stop and it becomes awkward for everyone.

- Design notes:

  • Has reptile-like eyes
  • On his right arm there is an upside-down "e" or a dragon type emblem
  • He preferes closed clothes
  • He graduated from school but still wears his uniform
  • His hair always goes to the right, no mirroring
  • Glasses are optional

- Facts:

  • Has a bad habit of constantly washing hands. To the extent that he gets bruises. He washes his hands about ten times a day.
  • BREAD is for "NONSENSE" in Russian language. However he worked at the bakery once.
  • He is the only one among his friends without any magic.
  • He feels like a substitute for Clover.
  • His favorite subject is dragons.
  • No one knows where he lives.
  • As a child he wore glasses everytime.
  • He is not alive and does not belong to any universe completely.

HTML by lowkeywicked
