Rema MoringStar



  • Rema MorningStar

  • Age 627
  • Gender Female
  • Race Demon
  • Role Demon of Lust/Mother
  • Alignment Chaotic Good

"I wanted a family. I didn't get what I wanted, but I think I got something better."

Rema is the demon of lust.

She was the first of the seven sins, making her the eldest sister of the seven. Rema wants is to have a good time with everyone. She loves children with all her heart, it's always horrible when she's reminded that she can't have any of her own. Rema's best friend is Yuki, the two live together. Rema always enjoys her and Yuki's weekly tea time, where they drink tea and talk about how their week was.

Rema goes to visit the local orphanage each week. The children are always happy to see her. She's sad when she see's that one or two may be gone, but shes happy to know that they found good home. Rema will always wear more suitable clothing whenever she does visit. One day when visiting, the head of the orphanage, Mrs Holen, asked Rema if she could help pick up a new child. The young boy in question was deathly afraid of cars, Mrs Holen wondered if Ream would be so kind as to walk the boy from the Hospital to the orphanage. Rema agreed, and as she retrieved him, she bonded very quickly with the sweet boy, and ended up adopting him.


DoB: 26/05/1391
Nationality: Greece
Height: 6'8
Build: Rema has a little over middle body type, she has a little thicknes to her.
Demeanor: Motherly/Sexual
  • Sex
  • Tea/Tea Partys
  • The Beach
  • Kids
  • Fast Food
  • Church
  • Her sister Greed
  • Child abuse




Rema was once a Human. She was given to the church as a baby after her mother had died during her birth. She was raised into a life of celibacy, growing up and becoming a nun. This was sadly not what her heart wanted, Rema wanted nothing more then to have a loving family of her own.

One day she meet a man, and fell in love. The man promised her love and a family. Falling for the mans promises, she sealed the deal with a kiss. The man promised to returned in a week, in the following week Rema fell ill. Her body changed and her soul was now cursed, for the man she fell in love with was the devil himself. The devil retuned and Rema found herself unable to stop her emotions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.

"why, why of everyone did you curse me!?" Rema asked trying hard to keep her yelling low.

The devil smiles and cuped her face "My dear Rema, with this new life, everyone you meet will love you, for you are my demon of lust. Your family will be your new brothers and sisters, the other 6 demons of sin"

With all the things the devil gives, he also takes. Rema can never have a child of her own, nor can her body age.


Jasper MoringStar

[ Son ]

Her adopted son, who she loves him more then anything in the whole world. To help Jasper be stronger, Rema has been teaching Jasper how to use demon magic.


Yuki Wore

[ Best Friend ]

Yuki is Rema's best friend and roommate. Rema came across Yuki on the day she died. She felt sorry for the new ghost and had lunch with her, quickly becoming great friends.


Neo & Nikkie MoringStar

[ Brother & Sister in Law ]

Neo is Rema's Brother, and Nikkie is Rema's step sister. The three get along well, Rema just wishes the two would get out more, being the demons of Sloth she knows that won't happen.


Milo Clark

[ Jasper's Best Friend ]

Milo and Jasper spend all most all their time together, and as such they see each other as brothers. Rema has grown super attached to Milo and sees him as family.


Pangiota Chronis

[ Enemy ]

Rema being one of the main 7 demons makes her be at the top of Pangiota's shit list. The two believe in very different life styles. Pangiota is the leader of the Eláfi Cult.


Eláfi Cult Members

[ Enemies ]

A group of racists that Rema trys her best to stay away from.


Harishimo Kato

[ Huge Fan ]

Rema loves Kato, she never misses an episode of his show. She wants to meet him one day.


Void Lavender

[ Confused ]

Rema knows that Jasper and Milo go to see Void a lot, while she may not trust Void she trust Jasper.
