Mr. Eyebags (Ezekiel)



2 years, 16 days ago


Name he goes by: Ezekiel.

His actual name: Hyuki Mujin.

Age: Pretends to be 27, is actually 24.

Personality: He comes off as unmotivated, energyless, and emotionally detached. He doesn't like wasting energy on arguments or too many words unless he has to. This can sometimes mess up his ability to communicate with his comrades. 

He has the power to create and manipulate ice, so it'd be clever to fight him in an area with high temperatures. 

He's secretive and deceitful. If you ask him about anything too personal, he's more then likely going to ignore you.

While he is capable of feeling emotion on the inside, he's incapable of recognizing the feelings or acting on them unless they're too strong. He's sort of like a locked box.

While he's capable of being more found of some people then others, he doesn't really show it all to well unless it's in specific scenarios.

He has nothing against stealing from strangers, and has a talent for thievery. He mostly does it for fun. (And maybe for a cash grab here and there.)


His room is messy on one side and neat on the other. He has a bed on the Right side if the room and a couch on the left. There is dust spread about unevenly, and there's a bunch of broken pencils all around the room. He has a desk in the middle of the room, up against the wall by the window. It's covered in sticky notes with doodles that look as if a child could have drawn on them. Inside the drawer of the desk there's a bunch of plastic bags, some looking like they're being re-used. He has two boxes by the door, the one on top containing a bunch of bottle caps, and the one underneath contains a bunch of stolen goods. His windows tend to be covered by thick blankets nailed to the window frame above, and his room temperature seems to stay cold.
