


6 years, 2 months ago


Name jericho
Species mothcat
Age young adult
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
sexuality bisexual
accent swedish
Height [info]

Designer cobain
Masterlist #884

Antenna q-tip
Ears tufted
Mane classic
Wings classic
Tail fluffy
Eyes classic
Misc N/A

jericho is a fairly tall mothcat, and towers high above most others. however intimidating this may seem, it makes him the perfect cuddle buddy (especially as he's not exactly "skinny"). as much as he seems to lack feeling for others, jericho totally craves hugs all the time. he is also pretty damn fluffy, his tail can basically be used as a pillow if needed. his wings are a pretty average size - but his antennae are substantially longer than normal, and seem to always be in his way, flopping over his face or flailing back in the wind. it's pretty annoying, but he's used to it (or so he says).

at a first glance, jericho is not the most pleasant of cats, and often comes off as an extremely sarcastic, uncompromising character. he pushes his already-offensive jokes too far, and has a habit of always looking moody when he's just being... well, normal. these assumptions about him aren't totally wrong; he doesn't seem to have much sympathy for anyone. but, jericho is also very reliable, stable and devoted. anything he enjoys turns into a passion - like, he's obsessed with everything - and his willpower to do well makes him very likeable. he prefers the practical side of things, and hates sitting and doing nothing. he always wants to be engaged in some sort of activity. around close friends, or even just people he feels he gets along with, he is the joker of the group, and does plenty of stupid things to make others laugh. in his free time he chooses to voice for audio books or visit local libraries and read to the kittens who want to hear a tale of old. he says he's doing it because he loves his own voice, but really he finds joy in helping others enjoy stories when they may struggle to do so themselves.