


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






Twilight Engineer




Work in progress.
Here to draw for me? Check out the tabs to the left! Spin has lived a lot of lives and the tabs contain more information and art. 
References can also be found by clicking the images shown in the timeline.


Spin is one of the Twilight Engineers brought into existence by Continuum. They are created for the purpose of guarding their universe. Most guardians take the form of stars, planets and other heavenly bodies, acting out only when their universe is under threat from outside hostiles or from an unbalance within itself. A smaller number prefer to appear as ghostly creatures. Some even create mortal bodies and live among the inhabitants of the universe. While Continuum is generally against them doing this, he only intervenes when they use their powers to achieve something that no regular mortal could accomplish.

Their mortal forms live and die as any mortal does. Yet unlike true mortals, their souls do not expire, and once one life is over they can begin anew. They usually begin at a young age relative to the species they become and retain the memories of their previous lives unless deliberately choosing not to, in which case the memory of their previous lives are restored only at the end of that life - once their soul is free from mortal bonds again. Instead of creating a new life they can also recreate a previous life, essentially extending that life. This is called regeneration whereas choosing a new life is called reincarnation. Continuum considers regeneration to be toeing the line of their established rules. 

Spin's mortal lives are grouped as pre-Heavenly and post-Heavenly; lives lived before and after the creation of her floating island. The majority of her post-Heavenly lives are regenerations of one dubbed the Lord of Heavenly; a life used solely to pursue her obsession with extending the lives of mortal souls. Her existence prior to taking mortal lives is called Origin, and her existence beyond the destruction of Continuum is called Ending. While her appearance may change within these two periods of time, she was always immortal.

Although her lives and forms change across the years (some more drastically than others), they all share similar personalities to her soul. Most of her lives call back to her Origin forms, sharing resemblances through fur and eye colour. However, her forms following the death of Continuum are considerably darker in both appearance and personality, sharing the antagonistic, destructive behaviour as the Lord of Heavenly.



ZWPYw3Y.pngSpin's existence began with the 2nd generation of Twilight Engineers, alongside Turn, whom she considers to be her twin (despite bearing little resemblance), and Orion. The 2nd generation was noticeably the most likely to explore and live among mortals. Soon after creation, Spin and Turn met with Orion and the three of them spent thousands of years exploring the universe together.

  • For the majority of this time, Spin took the form of a ghostly white direwolf. While travelling through regions of space belonging to the ancient dragons, she would take the form of an eastern dragon instead. Neither of these forms were mortal lives, only a presentable image of her soul.


Most of Spin's pre-Heavenly lives take place upon Atelier, a planet dominated by intelligent mice. It is also the location of the Bone Yard and the Genesis Skulls, meaning it is located outside of Spin's universe. Spin, Turn, Orion and several other Twilight Engineers traveled beyond Continnum, into the outer universe, to ward off hostiles. Some of them chose to remain for a time and began living mortal lives among the mice of Atelier, mostly out of curiosity. Eventually, Spin and Orion returned to their own universe, while Turn chose to remain. They continued exploring their own universe, only this time choosing to take mortal lives to experience it on a more intimate level. 

  • During her time on Atelier, Spin lived several mortal lives, most of them unaware of her previous lives, and unknowing of what she was until they expired. All of her mortal lives are mice, or a combination of mice and other species.


Her post-Heavenly lives began after the sudden unexplained loss of Orion. She grew tired of watching her mortal friends die and dedicated her time and powers to finding a way of making mortal souls immortal like herself. Due to the nature of Continuum's rules, she couldn't simply give them immortality, and had to find the resources so mortals could achieve her goal. 

  • She spent this entire time frame as the Lord of Heavenly, a quilled direwolf with similar looks to her soul's form, only more sharp and spiky, suiting her harsh, unfriendly personality that came with her endeavor. Sometimes she would temporarily become a different species after a death, usually as an attempt to intimidate people even more, but her mind and goal always remained the same.


Every universe dies and Continuum is no exception. A universe experiences two types of deaths: the expiration of the universe's sentience, followed by the death and extinction of stars. The sentience - represented as a colossal black hole at the centre of the universe - provides life to the entire universe by creating stars. It is a delicate process and relies heavily on a continued balance of expired souls powering it. When an event disturbs the balance, (such as a mass culling of souls, or Spin's endeavor to preserve mortal souls) the end can arrive quickly. Although a universe with no sentience can continue supporting life for quite some time (depending on the prowess of the Twilight Guardians), a constant sense of melancholy can be felt by all capable of feeling.

During what is known as the Age of Twilight, after the death of the universe's sentience, the task of creating new stars falls upon the Twilight Guardians, through the use of the Twilight Engine; a star forge located at the centre of the universe, which becomes accessible when the sentience dies. They ultimately fail, and because the ending was brought about by mortals, the unbalance causing Continuum's death is considered natural. Spin was allowed to go free and returned to the Outer Universe, leaving the empty husk of Continuum behind.

Many of her fellow immortal souls disagreed and chose to follow her, seeking revenge, instead of fading along with their universe. Spin sought out the Spirit of Time, and, in exchange for her protection, willingly became one of his Grim Spirits again, only this time functioning as one without becoming mortal, with the added agreement that she would no longer deliberately seek out mortal souls before they were ready to die. He offered her a secluded planet as a sanctuary and soul farm to do with as she pleased.
