Cottontail (Biography)



This character's profile is complete and up-to-date with all relevant information.

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Pronouns he/him
Gender male <
Orientation Panromantic
Clan riverclan
Rank Warrior
Species feline

A short haired lilac and white tom with blue eyes. He is a bit on the small and unassuming in appearance. At first glance it doesn't look like he could hold much of his own in a fight. Especially true when he transforms into a rabit similar in color to his feline form. But he is quite capable in either form and defies expectations.


  • Shapeshift (rabbit)

Right from the day he was born it became aparent he wasn't like his siblings as he would turn into a rabbit quite frequently. He faced some challenges and teasing mostly from those his age about it. But despite that he was bubbly, cheerful and fun loving. It's rare not to see a smile on his face and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to others. He has quite a sense of empathy making him incredibly perceptive and compassionate.

He at times finds it hard to navigate the subtleties of communication. He can occasionally be a bit blunt, not always grasping the intricacies of social dynamics. However, his genuine intentions and warm-hearted nature make it easy to look past his faults. He is very determined and learned how to use his rabbit form to his advantage in most circumstances.

His mother is Rimeblaze and his father is Crowgaze . His siblings are Opalpaw , Mulberrythunder, Snowpaw .