Imitar Toksik



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Imitar Toksik

Pesterhandle: lethalMimic

God tier: Prince of Blood 12333990_YrLODNT6vr77SE1.png

Derse Dreamer sway_derse.png

Crimson blood. Pretends to be Aster. Avoids sea dwellers as much as possible. 

Typing Quirks:

  • Capitalizes U
  • Overuse of ....

Example: LM: Hey..... YoU're not planning anything, right?

Imitar was a lowly crimson blood living in a lowblood neighborhood and dealing with the crap that comes with being redblooded on Alternia until one day a large group of purplebloods came in and wrecked havoc, killing and pillaging the neighborhood with no regard of who was affected. Most trolls would have been devastated by this, and Imitar was to a certain degree, but mostly he felt inspired. He wanted to be like those trolls, he wanted freedom and power. Seeing how his home was now gone, Imitar decided to capitalize on this opportunity and get a fresh start. He donned his facepaint, wrapped his arms, and took off his symbol, taking on the identity of an aster blood. He doesn't have an actual home anymore, instead he travels around, avoiding becoming too well known and the drones.
He once made the mistake of sticking around in one place for too long because of a charismatic olive blood who he became moirails with. The olive blood wanted more, and he did too, but the fear of her finding out his secret was too great and he ended up killing her and running away. Now he has a strict rule for himself against ever allowing anyone into his quadrants ever again.
Imitar is a master of poisons and sells them to anyone who won't spill. He always carries various vials on him which contain different types of poison as a precaution. He actually has a reluctant relationship with Durven, who allows him to grow certain mushrooms in the back of his cave, no questions asked. Durvenconsiders them friends, Imitar calls them business partners and never visits for too long.
Imitar has a bit of obsession with blood. Obviously, no one is allowed to see his if it can be helped, and he's very careful not to spill his own blood. Taking on the role of a highblood eventually became more than just a role, and he quickly learns to discard any sympathy for the lower class. He has a nasty habit of injecting himself with and ingesting purple blood in his fruitless attempts to become more like a real purple blood. He also attends the Church and is a believer in the Juggalo faith. 

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