Luna Starr



2 years, 4 days ago


Luna Starr #26 (Height: 5"3')
Birthday December 19th, 2006
Ability: Fixes Your Hygiene, and Can Surround you Completely in a Beautiful Smell, Changing your Aroma and making you look amazing. Perfect for a brand new start! An Opposite of her ability is to Darken the Atmosphere around you and slowly Make you dizzy until you faint.
Soul Stance: Magnificent Queen

Luna Starr is a girl with a thing for Fashion, she loves to stroll around Midnight Parasol City in Boots and Warm Cozy Clothes, Her 3D glasses were given to her by a Sibling that happens to not be around. That's a story for another day, Luna Starr is a Wholesome Carefree girl who you'll see smiling every second with no hate in sight. She's an overall cutie to be around.

Magnificent Queen #26 (Height: 5"3')
Birthday December 19th, 2005
Ability: Can Fix up your looks and make you look and smell amazing, will also darken things around you so it's harder to see.
Soul Stance Master: Luna Star