Xander Nightmareon



2 years, 3 days ago


Xander Nightmareon - TN #2 (20 Years Old) (Devil/Vampire) (680) #62 (Height: 6"8')
Birthday December 21st, 1645
Ability: Xander can Use His Ruby Inferno To Attack, His Soul Stance can make your blood start to evaporate from within slowly, Xander can also Use Large Demonic Like Tentacles to Wrap Around you which surround him when he's levitated with Faith
Soul Stance: Mystifying Bloody Ruby (Faith) (Height: 6"6')

Xander is a man with a big story, a guy who has witnessed many things in his life, and is devoted to protecting everybody he has ever met, especially his adopted daughter: Diana Moon Blackberry, Xander is both a devil and a vampire, so he does require some red in his life, this need is fulfilled thruogh purchases of blood from a group of black market selling demons and an angel who are pretty good friends with Xander.
As for his backstory? to try to put it short a little: Xander's had a history with Ari's family. It's also strange that the land they all reside on is named after Xander's last name Nightmarian -> Nightmareon.
Xander's story started in another continent full of angels, demons and other unique beings that goes both above and underground, he was taken from his family to work under Natanos in his Castle with others because of how tough he looked. Xander decided to escape from the castle's grasp a few months later after being horribly treated and fled to Nightmareon, though he couldn't say goodbye to his friend who he and her worked hard to care for orphans who didn't have anyone there for them.
He also saw an odd demon out cold in a cell, bruised so he took him to keep him safe. Xander would come across Arius and as the years went on, he watched The Franquez Bloodline go on for years. For Xander, ever since he lost Arius to Natas in a large fight in the 1880's Natas was put to slumber by Xander. Natas despises him out of anyone else after what he did to protect not just himself, but many others.
Xander was in aboslute danger, so he hid in an abandoned mansion he would later refurnish and rename the "Nightmarion Mansion". He once saw the well known organization leader, AJ and decided to replicate his haircut in hopes of fitting in for when the day came that he leaves the comfort of his own mansion. One stormy night, a year after the dissapearance of a poor purple haired girl. A knock at the door was heard. That beauty would later be brought in & become Xander's 1st adopted Child in so long. He now had to protect this girl while another Organization raided his mansion to understand who he was. The AJ Organization heard about raids from That Organization and decided to check the mansion out. A knock was heard at the door. Cut foward, Xander befriended the AJ Organization & was met with many kind faces, and works for The AJ Organization now, Xander decided to accept anyone who don't have anyone there for them at his Mansion. His dear friend may as well come work with him very soon.