[Grem2] DANGER (Feral Design)



Someone told me to be selfless, but we are helpless without attention

【 Name 】Danger 【 Alias 】DANGER
【 Age 】 ??? 【 D.o.B. 】 Feb 11
【 Gender 】 Make 【 Sexuality 】???
【 Origin 】 ?? 【 designs 】 Canine/Human/Grem2
【 Status 】 Single 【 Theme 】 Three Thirty - AJR
【 Height 】 6' 【 Build 】 content
【 Bones 】 White 【 Build 】 Smol but strong
【 Main Colors 】Red/Black 【 Mutations】None
【 Demeanor 】 Stoic 【 Style 】Goth
【 Value 】 ?? 【 Designer 】 @mortboe/debug-room
【 Likes 】
  • Feeling Warm from a Campe Fire
  • Huge Piles of Blankets/Pillows
  • x
  • x
  • x
【 Dislikes 】
  • His Past
  • Stone Buildings
  • x
  • x
  • x
【 Charisma 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Patience 】
【 Stamina 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Perception 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】

He appears grumpy and maybe a little jaded but its just to keep people who ask too many questions at bay. He longs for true friendships and isnt able to be mean or cruel to others. He'd rather hurt himself than cause harm to another person.

Created for the sole reason of serving a greater purpose. He was meant to partake in a special ceremony after all the preparations were finished. He was to learn the ways of his masters, memorize every sacred scroll, give blood at every ceremony and follow every order regardless of what it was. He was taught to walk a certain way, eat a certain way, and even breathe a certain way. He "was meant to bring about a new world," his masters told him.

This boy was created to serve, and serve he does. He serves himself. His owner who brought him into this world was furious when Danger finally refused to obey orders. He had enough of their crazy cult and ridiculous ways. He ran so far from home that he became hopelessly lost. While wandering in the wilderness he learned how to fend for himself, although it almost caused him to die within the first week. Hes found ways to survive and now travels the world, hoping to find a new place to call home.

So far he hasnt had time to even consider what he enjoys doing in his spare time. Now that hes traveling he tries whatever kind of hobby he can. Often indulging the positive rants and pastimes of the people he is currently staying with for the night.

Extras:• Loves campfires ever since he learned how to make them. • Hates talking about his past, and larges tone buildings remind him of his old 'home'. He avoids them now. • Due to his markings and past, Danger will often find comfort in the aesthetic of the acult. Anything considered dark and scary reminds him of the good moments he used to have back home, scarce as they were. It's a weird feeling he gets but if it brings him comfort he will gladly indulge in it.

More songs: Give us a little love - Fallulah


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