Lumi Twinkleton



6 years, 2 months ago


Lumi Twinkleton


Basic Information

Lumi Twinkleton


March 23rd 824

Kodin (Feline)

Male he/him

5 foot 7


Languages Spoken
Standard, Chitt, Whispers, Lupin









Magic Alignment


This bio is currently under construction

Outdated/unfinished sections: Backstory, Relationships

Artistic Notes

Reference Sheet:


Physical Appearance: Tall, lean, with a little bit of muscles in his arms. He’s a lot stronger than he looks. Lumi often has bedhead and messy fur, but it’s rarely dirty. When he does brush out his fur it’s very sleek and a bit shiny in appearance.

Clothing: Lumi sticks to more traditional clothing, sticking to the roots of his religions. Very basic skirts with tons of shiny fancy beads attached to them

Expressions: Happy, cheerful, silly


Likes: Gardening, friends, cooking, alchemy

Dislikes: Fire, conflict, insects

Losing a loved one

Lumi is generally a pretty cheerful guy. Almost sickeningly sweet, in a way. He’s always ready to make a new friend, and he’s able to get along with just about anyone. He’ll talk to anyone about anything and even if someone has “bad” or “evil” views he’ll try to look at things from their perspective. The downside to this is he often writes off people’s negative qualities, sometimes to the point of pure ignorance. He doesn’t want to believe people can be bad, even if all evidence points to it.

Lumi’s often the mediator in whatever group or clique he’s in. If conflict arises, he’s usually the first on scene to try and come to a resolution. While his intentions are good, his resolutions can sometimes be based on an idealistic view of the world and not based in reality. Sure, many of his resolutions do work, but not all of them. Some people just aren’t meant to get along, but Lumi can’t wrap his head around that. He gets along with everyone! Why can’t everyone else get along?

Most of Lumi’s favourite activities are social ones. One of his favourites is cooking. Growing up Lumi had to learn to feed himself a lot sooner than most, so his cooking skills have been perfected over the years. He loves cooking large meals and having his friends over for lunch or dinner or whatever other occasion he can think of. His knack for cooking is what helped him thrive in the realm of Alchemy as well. To him, it’s just cooking with magic involved.


Strengths: Positivity

Weaknesses: Oblivious

Weapons/Tools: Alchemy

Lumi is a fairly skilled alchemist. He specializes in light and blue magic, using it to make tonics, elixirs, potions, salves, etc which can heal injuries or illnesses. None of what he makes can be used for ill intent under normal circumstances, and he goes great lengths to make sure whatever potion he brews is completely safe.


Addictions: None

Mental Illnesses: None

Physical Illnesses: None

Disabilities: None

Allergies: None


Lumi was born in one of Barrowfords outer sectors in a small town known as Silverling. There he lived as an only child with his mother and father. Growing up, his parents never seemed to get along with each other. For as long as Lumi can remember his parents would be up late, arguing in a hushed tone trying not to wake him up or passively aggressively pushing each other's buttons. No matter the circumstance, they’d always find something to get upset at each other with.
His mother and father never tried to upset him. Far from it, actually. While neither got along, they both knew it wasn’t Lumi’s fault. Yes, he was the reason they stayed together, but he never asked to be born. He was a result of their own mistakes, and while Lumi was never planned neither of them wanted to make him feel unwanted or unloved. That being said, nobody’s perfect.
Often after long fights or on bad days his parents would get snippy with him. He’d come home after school to the tail end of a massive fight, and instead of asking Lumi about his day or helping him with his assignments they’d dismiss him. Mommy’s had a long day, we can talk about this tomorrow, go downstairs and play by yourself for awhile. It was hard to cope with at times, especially when one would slip up and say something in front of him they weren’t supposed to.
[Insert learning to care for himself/cooking here]
He never understood why his parents were like this, not until he was much older. In school his teachers would always preach about getting along. When his classmates got into fights, they’d usually be put in time out or be forced to apologize to each other. With his limited understanding on the matters at hand, he believed mimicking his teachers would help make his parents get along. The kids in class seemed to afterwards, so why not his parents?
As time went on, Lumi began involving himself in his parents' quarrels. At first it was very basic and childlike, telling his parents to make up or to go sit on the stairs and cool off; all things his teachers would tell his classmates. But as he got older and began to learn more about his situation, he started intervening less and less. When he did, it was only when things started going too far. When fights would get physical or when the arguments would get lough enough for the neighbors to hear. The smaller ones, though, he’d leave be.
While his home life was less than ideal, Lumi’s childhood wasn’t all that bad. His days were spent at school, where he got to play with his peers and make new friends. He wanted to bring people together, after all. With the fighting going on at home, he wanted to do his part to make others happy. He quickly made friends with just about everyone in his year, and the longer he went to his elementary school the more people he got to know there. Everyone knew Lumi, and while they didn’t all consider him to be their “friend” they at least tolerated him.
Eventually Lumi hit middle school. Most of his classmates remained the same from his earlier schooling, so he started off the year just fine in that department. What he struggled with was picking his classes. Education has always been extremely valued in Barrowford. Both of his parents had immigrated there in their pursuit of knowledge, after all. In addition to the seemingly endless search for the Mirror Temple. But with so many different options to pick from, Lumi was pretty overwhelmed.



Creation date: April 2017

Alignment: Lawful Good

Voice Claim: Honey Senpai: Ouran Highschool Host Club

Other: Originally Lumi was a Mew, but I wanted to move away from Pokemon and work on my own lore, so I changed his species to a serval. I think it fits him rather well.