Cocktail Hat



6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Cocktail Hat Castellanos.
Age: Early thirties.
Gender: Female//Cis.
Height: 5’6”.

Rank IV; Hellspawn.

Weapon: Martial Arts & IOF .32 Revolver.

                How she displays herself gives off the impression that she is coquettish in demeanor, but it is far from that. Generally, Cocktail is a very quiet woman that only speaks when addressed to. Has sharp wits about her and is often one step ahead of everybody which is quite convenient for her employers. She is hired to please and will do anything to see it through. She likes to keep her distance from others, not wanting to deal with other’s inconveniences. Other times is so that she can avoid getting incredibly of attached to something or someone.
Fiercely loyal to Fedora and his cause and willing to sacrifice herself. Because of their shared ideology, she dislikes both Angels and Demons. She seems to tolerate Demons a lot more than Angels as they are more orderly.


Cocktail Hat is a Daten native whose parents migrated from Baja California in order for their children to have a better life. They couldn’t really afford anything, but the shanty apartment her parents managed to wrangle when fist arriving. She couldn’t really complain about her living situation either and would work towards getting her family and herself out of the slums by studying for a successful career. Due to economic troubles at home, she was forced to drop out of high school and hunt for a job to meet ends need with bills and food.  
She would apply to multiple jobs, managing to wrangle in either shitty jobs with very little pay or nothing at all. It was making her desperate to keep up with necessities and desperate enough to work anywhere if it meant paying one bill. She would slave hours of her days looking through newspapers hoping to find a suitable job position with good pay.

One particular position of being a personal body guard caught her attention, mostly due to what the employer is willing to pay. It was a hefty amount for a simple position, but the employer must have been a very important person. She also wasn’t expecting the type of person the employer was either: a man with an incredible fashion sense that was involved with…Demons? Ah well, people in Daten in general were very weird. Not like she was expecting to keep the job for long, but she will be very wrong in that regard. She stuck around much longer than anticipated and formed a very close relationship with him until he had to move out of Daten his studies. She was financially secure for a while but began looking for more personal body guard positions, making herself very well known. Eventually she was hired by another strange man, Fedora; this one being rather short with a very ridiculous hat that was also involved with Demons. Somewhat. He would teach her about many things; his business, goals, purpose, organization, ideology, the struggle between Demons and Angels and how detrimental it was towards humans.
It was a lot to take in, especially to know how irresponsible Demons and Angels truly were. She would make herself loyal to Fedora, doing anything he wished to. She was designated to do dirty work in Underground Daten, doing “business” trades with gang leaders or integrating them into Fedora’s forces.

Most of the time, she’s paid to look pretty, but can be seen looming around Fedora.