“Prince” Amr Boyle (Fire Force! AU!)



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

16-Years Old

2nd-born Son of “Arthur Boyle”

Field: Priest of Company 9 (3rd Gen)

Voice Claim: “Greg Aryes”


*Amr of the majority fakes his accent (like how

Sexuality: Straight (But has a crush on Tatsumaki.)

Arthur does his knight voice.) because he is

Quote: “Ze French will be displeased!”

a “French-weeb”.


For this AU, it is almost similar to his official version.

In this AU, Amr Boyle is the 2nd-oldest of 3 of Arthur Boyle’s children. He’s a 3rd-Gen pyrokenetic who can channel his magic through a wizard staff. (Like how Arthur can, with Excalibur.)

He lives like a mystical wizard! Magic wise, he relies on his grimoire, his staff, and the spirit of his father’s “royal ancestors”, to help his magic. Amr is proud of his “French ancestry” and anything related in the matter. So he will get often angered or offended if one “displeases both him or his fellow “Ancestors”!

(Whom he believes are connected to France, in a way. Amr will believe ANYTHING from Arthurian legend, since that’s what he grew up with. PLUS, since his father is Arthur. He is bound to brag about that to almost everyone.)

Despite that, Amr is a powerful and talented mage. Willing to take a step back, before going through with a plan. And preforming prayers, as a priest whenever it’s necessary. Overall, with his obsession with girls, he is quite heavily of a pervert…

(Though he is very less perverted in his official bio.)