


6 years, 2 months ago


like 6'5, Athletic, cocky, sarcastic.

Lotta piercings, all silver . Nipples, Naval, Snake bites, Dimple, Eyebrow, Gauged Ears

Blackout tattoo over the upper part of his chest / neck / arms and below his waist. No ref for the below waist tattoo, just make it look similar to his chest one!

BIO WIP - Anthiel is a Reaper / Collector of Souls / Arbiter. Similar to a Nephilim, his biology holds traits similar to both an Angel, as well as a Demon. He is burdened as well as gifted with the curse of possessing human emotions, highly empathetic / sympathetic. Despite holding the ability to be compassionate and understanding with humans, he often finds himself with a more domineering stance towards the species, taking a harsh and critical approach to the way he performs his tasks. He is not very highly liked among the ranks, even though he has proven time and time again that he is one of the more experienced of his kind, making tough decisions where others couldn't. He is able to live through ones life at the moment of their death to properly place judgement at the time of a soul collection, analyzing a persons life and the decisions they made, as well as the reasons behind these decisions, before making his decision of the souls final resting place. If the soul is fit for service or falls into any set category, showing exceptional understanding or performance in any category befitting a job in heaven or hell, it is also Anthiels job to personally deliver said soul to either sector and present it in front of the ruling power for evaluation. Anthiel has blackout tattoos that cover a good portion of his body, for each exceptional soul he collects or claims, the tattoo expands in new intricate designs, showing off his abilities as a reaper, a form of ranking of sorts. 

Outfit - NOTE!! He's not wearing a top in this avi, it's supposed to be his tattoos. Please draw him shirtless!