Fhure Canem



6 years, 1 month ago



Name Fhure Age 26
Gender Genderfluid (he/him or she/her) Orientation Pansexual
Height 5'1 Eye Colour Purple
Job Lackey Weapons Dirk, throwing knives
Species Canine Furry Other Universe jumper


Fhure is an asshole, but your asshole. He's cocky as anything - he knows he's talented and has no problem talking about it or making a show of things. He's a perfectionist and has little patience for error, quick to snap at others and tell them what they're doing wrong. Stealth is the name of her game, since Fhure is not very physically large or powerful.

Although generally mediocre (at best) at interactions, Fhure does care deeply about friends - when he manages to make and keep them. He has trouble addressing and admitting to his feelings because he's never had experience with it, keeping things close to his chest to protect himself. But the soft spot is there, buried under a layer of snappy, quick talking thievery.


Fhure grew up with his twin sister, Fortis, and their parents, until around age 10 he fell through a "door" into another world. She was taken in and raised by a gang of street thieves, learning life skills from them to survive and forgetting most of her formal education from her previous life. She grew up in the slums of the city, bitter and distrusting of the upper class.

Things go south even more when Fhure discovers the leader of his gang leader is a former Executive - which he learns when he discovers The Keyper standing over his corpse. The Keyper drafts him under their wing on the hunt for a Skeleton Key, granting the owner access to any world at whim. In exchange, The Keyper allows Fhure to return to her homeworld to see her family, so long as she isn't needed.


  • To be updated!