the conductor





"i tried to talk but my voice is all wrong
is this all i am?
then i found you and you let me speak with my hands!"

— the conductor's (imaginary) verse in 'elecricity is in my soul'


FULL NAME the conductor
NICKNAME(S) connie
PRONOUNS they/them
GENDER agender
AGE extremely old
OCCUPATION asl interpreter
RESIDENCE traveling
MAGIC rusted iron
STATUS alive
THEME electricity is in my soul
CREATED nov 3, 2022



connie is a nonspeaking robot due to a broken voicebox. they're kind, friendly, and unwaveringly loyal to their friends.

steam powered giraffe: they were found by rabbit and spine at a mechanic shop, about to be disassembled. they were rescued and started to interpret their songs during shows. they've been a part of the band for a long time, so they appear in all the albums. (i know the electronic voice in 'electricity is in my soul' is supposed to be qwerty or bebop but that's connie in my head)

they weren't an original walter creation and thus wasn't built with blue matter power in mind. they have to use power packs that plug into their limbs and chest. out of all the walter bots, they have the greatest range of motion above the waist, to help them sign properly, but their legs and feet don't always work.

the steam powered giraffe robots exist in syntheia, but they were separated from connie against their will. connie spends their days searching for their former bandmates.


brain pal
sona of a headmate

fan character - steam powered giraffe

penciled in
designed in a traditional medium

it's alive!
constructed/not naturally born



  • use the "new build" design in their reference image unless asked otherwise
  • they have six battery packs clipped on their belt, three on each hip
  • the outermost two have tubing that flows into their arms. the other four loop down into their clothes
  • everything blue in their design glows