


6 years, 7 months ago


Basic Info:


Name (First, Middle, Last): Tec

Gender: M

Age: 18

Race: Techno Fox kemonomimi

Date of Birth (MM/D):

Occupation: Treasure Hunter

Relationship(s): N/A

Personality: Mischievous, stubborn, bratty, deceitful, loyal

Likes: Treasure, messing with people, burnt food

Dislikes: Laws, crypts, sweets

Family: Apuni (sister)

Bio: Tec grew up in a clan of special foxes. Because his parents left him at a young age, he had to fend for himself and take care of his little sister, Apuni. He ended up stealing a lot so he and his sister could survive. One day, the clan kicked him out for unknown reasons and sent his sister to a far away orphanage to be looked after. For years, his habits of stealing turned into more of a fun hobby for himself. He became fascinated with taking valuable treasure. His living conditions were very poor at the time but he didn't care. Suddenly, he was approached by a man who had been observing him for a while. He offered Tec to come live with him and join "The Raev Clan" which was a group dedicated to the care of fox people. Tec, not thinking twice, accepted the offer and now lives comfortably in a mansion. Though he still steals as a hobby on occasions, he does it to support his new home and began to search for his lost sister after years of not attempting.

Physical Appearance:




Skin color:

Hair color:

Eye color:

Markings (Tattoos, scars, etc.):

Attire (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.):

Accessories (bags, jewelry, hat, etc.):


Other Info:



RP Type:

Date of Adoption: Sometime before 3/15/13