Hugo Vargas



1 year, 10 months ago



Hugo Vargas

Tiger Miraculous User
Male (He/Him)

El Tigre

Hugo balances a lot in his teen life: school, babysitting, and a job that takes up a lot of his time. After his father skipped out on them in France to return to Spain instead, his mother was left in shambles and refuses to do anything for herself or her kids anymore. She locks herself in her room and Hugo is left to take care of his little sister Selena and cover most of the bills that the money their father sends them doesn’t cover.

The experience has made him pretty cynical and he’s quickly learned to put up masks in front of customers and peers and bottle his frustrations and angers. He doesn’t like help, charity or hand-outs, so he keeps his problems and his emotions to himself because he feels like he doesn’t need anyone, which makes him come off as aloof and disingenuous. He can be both blunt as well as a bold-faced liar and he gets next to no sleep so his patience is thin.

Despite constantly wearing a suit, he really loves bright vintage colors and fashions and finds a comfort and thrill in becoming El Tigre as the bright pinks tickle all his urges and frees him from the binds of all his responsibilities. It lets him be and do things he wants for himself rather than constantly serving the demands of the people around him. Sometimes though, he questions why he even is a hero.