Thalam Eryk



1 year, 10 months ago


Thalam H. Eyrk

Name Thalam
Pronouns He/Him
Age Senior Adult
Species Hirachet
Role Lorekeeper
Home T.H.E. City

Thalam used to live in an aboveground city, populated by hirachet and other sentient creatures who lived in peace. When he saw a strange omen of bad things to come, no one took him seriously or cared enough to suddenly pack up and leave their homes like he urged them to do. So he took to the hirachet Capital underground, and he advised them to close off to the rest of the world or else they would die, and without any real reason to doubt him, they did exactly that.

The capital has been sealed off from the surface since then, and no hirachet have left or entered the tunnels main opening. The people of the capital called Thalam a hero for saving them from their doom. He has never set foot on the surface since, and warns anyone curious that there is surely hell beyond the tunnels, and to not seek too far. He is generally very calm and is often found taking naps, preferring to read in the comfort of his own special housing cave instead of mingling in the more busy areas. He can have an attitude when his values or opinions are questioned and is not afraid to argue when he thinks he is right.

Design notes

  • Thalam used to have bell earrings on both ears, but one of them was torn off, leaving him with a scar and only one bell.
  • Whiskers on his muzzle and back of neck
  • Not a design note, but personal note; his voice claim is MacLeod Andrews (Warriors audiobook narrator)

html by Euna