
6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info








House DJ, Music Producer


Theme: Flower (spring vers) - DJ Yoshitaka


When she was younger, Zukai was very socially awkward, contrary to the "tough and brave," stereotype of Dekatons & Dekapons. As a result, she spent a lot of her middle and high school years alone and without a friend group (with the exception of her sister and other family members).

Sometime in her first year of high school, Zukai discovered rave and techno music. She gained a huge passion for it and wanted to learn how to make her own tracks. Fortunately, she was able to get some (albeit crude and hard to use) free DAWs to mess around with and managed to make a bunch of tracks (mostly old-style hardcore/dance). However Zukai was still anxious about putting her works out there, even on the internet. So she stayed unknown for roughly a year and a half. Zukai did share her music with family members. Though and they encouraged her to share it, but she ignored it and continued to keep it to herself.

In the middle of highschool, she met Nia (a regular patapon) and Risa (Modern Au vers.) through being put in the same classes. The first time they started talking was thanks to a group project, where Nia and Risa invited her to work with them. Afterwards, they started talking and hanging out more outside of school, and Zukai shared her music and her love for music with them too. Nia and Risa suggest she goes to a rave with them, and (hesitantly) agreed. Her first rave was a mixed bag of emotions, since she didn't know what to do with herself. So it ended with her sitting off to the side, just enjoying the music. When House DJ stepped off the stage (near the end of the night), he met Zukai and they had a chat about music which lead into a conversation on her works. The DJ offered her a chance to take the stage and show them off at the next party, and she took it.

After her first live set, Zukai started putting her self out even more and found that through music, she built more confidence. She's now a regular DJ at clubs and parties, producing her own tracks on the side.

Other Facts

  • In the modern AU, she's a distant descendant of Gong the Hawkeye
  • Zula used to be a non-fandom form for her but they became separate characters after awhile