


1 year, 4 months ago



Name Magic

Nickname(s)Maggi, Magical

Gender Female

Species / Breed Jackalope (Black and Tan Bunny size)

likes Flowers | Tea | Spring | Friends

dislikesHurt to her Friends | Slime | Giant Spiders


Little Magic is an optimistic Jackalope. She likes to entertain het friends and keep them all happy. She'll do just about anything for you once you truely befriended her. Sometimes you might not see her for a little time, but she's always ready to start again where you left off!
She can be a tad forgetful, but never on purpose!

Magic is a curious little critter, she loves to learn new things about her environtment and likes to investigate new things she finds. When she het a little nervous about something new, her curiousity usually takes over her fear and she'll explore it anyway. Carefully though.
She's not afraid to ask you any questions if she'd really like to know something.
Magic is also a tad clumsy, just sometimes falling over when being a tad too curious or tripping over her own back feet!

Magic does wear her name because she also posesses a tiny bit of Magic in fact. Not enough to do major things and spells, just just enough to levitate small things are let a flower bloom just a little faster. And to make also her life just a little tad easier.
Her magic is in fact channeled through her antlers. Which also never shed, or grow anymore. they grew until she was an adult and just stopped there.

Yes she does hate spiders, big ones in general and really dislikes to webbing they usually leave. Just.. icky!


HTML by lowkeywicked