
i still feel alive

it is hopeless, i start to notice.


AGE 21?
HEIGHT 179 cm
SPECIES ??? (Ghost?)
ORIENT. Perhaps straight?
MORTALITY probably NOT mortal

A chill guy with memory loss, perhaps dead? Though he doesn't feel dead at all. Smart, a little bit of a fool but generally well meaning and funny. Actually pretty interesting to have a conversation with. He doesn't remember anything about Kat, or that he's piloting their physical presence most of the time.

I forgot my name again
I think that's something worth remembering


Hm... You know, that's funny... I can't seem to remember a thing...


  • Learning things
  • Making new friends, talking to people
  • Videogames
  • What do frat boys like anyway?

  • Forgetting his own identity... that's when he breaks
  • Honestly his memory issues do frustrate him, but he tries not to show it


AGE 25
HEIGHT 166 cm
SPECIES Human? Ghost?
ORIENT. Bisexual biromantic
MORTALITY umm?? dead?

Rather deadpan and closed off girl, giving off an aura of rage... That may be true, but she'd actually appreciate a friend. She's been slowly fading, with less and less time piloting their physical presence, fearing that she'll disappear once day. She unknowingly haunts places in attempts to communicate with Mitch.

I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times
Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night


"You'll soon have a new friend!"

The neighbors were going to have a baby, and at around 4 years old, Kat was very excited about having a friend. They would be able to play together! It would be really fun!

Kat and her family were going through a rough patch at the time, and she didn't know the exact degree of struggles, but she did see this as a way to have fun.

The day came, and Kat's family received terrible news.

The baby boy, Mitch, was stillborn.

It was heartbreaking for the neighbors especially, but Kat had to deal with the concept of death, even if it wasn't somebody she met. She already built such an expectative, she couldn't understand why this happened.

She kept him in her mind, not letting go. She didn't know much else about her neighbors, and they eventually moved from that place due to financial reasons. However, one thing remained constant across the years: she actually kept talking to Mitch, like an imaginary friend.

Somehow, she brought his soul with her all the way. He was, in fact, her best friend all her childhood.

It didn't seem like an issue, she was just playing.

Until she became a teenager, and Mitch didn't go away, no matter if she wanted to reject him. No one else saw him, and nobody believed her. She didn't want to talk to him either, but he still seemed to experience life through her, and talk to her when she was at her lowest.

Her life wasn't easy like this, she was bullied at school and her family life was volatile. She resorted to books and dark media, from which she became interested in the occult. Being secretly haunted like this, she could connect with the whole trend.

It wasn't getting any better to keep it a secret. Even starting college, she had Mitch by her side... And Mitch wasn't particularly annoying, but he didn't seem to understand the situation. Kat sometimes even pleaded him to go away, and they would have a somewhat serious conversation, but Mitch seemed to forget it all the next time he appeared to her. It was useless.

Finally, Kat accepted that she had to live like this. She accepted the fact that she may never have a normal life.

Except that, at some point, Mitch's spectral condition somehow affected her.

There hasn't been any event in her life that would've killed her, yet Kat was suddenly... 'Not alive'. Or rather, she didn't exist at times.

In her place was Mitch, a ghost boy plagued by severe memory loss.

Meanwhile, Kat only controls their 'body' a small fragment of the time, trapped in a loop where she can't speak to Mitch but even if she tried, he would forget. It seems as if all those memories of her childhood disappeared, like her.

She's desperately finding a way to turn back, to become alive again, to reach out.


  • The occult
  • Goth fashion ofc
  • Horror
  • Ghosts but not like, being attached to one, in theory that's cool but uh- nevermind
  • Actually does still like Mitch a lot, but this situation is extremely infuriating

  • UM, where do i start
  • losing her 'alive' status?
  • having her identity stolen??
  • well also being told to smile, no one likes that