Erich Grey Arachnus



1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Erich Grey Arachnus

Race : Drider

Nature : perfectionist

Secret kink : kinbaku

A great butler, he is great on stewarding, housekeeping, being a valet, concierge and of course attending to personal requests.

His specialty lies in tea, in his opinion there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.

He moves his arms with great grace and elegance, and you never saw him make any mistakes. Perhaps his defect is precisely his obsession with perfection. Which prolongs simple tasks longer than necessary. Since his priority on keeping the look of beauty and art makes life next to this butler very beautiful.

Behind his traditional ways in art is hidden his taste on other types of art, perhaps is his arachnid blood or maybe just his personality, but you found him more than once playing with ropes that he clearly made some concerned work with the artistry of the process. It was indeed a beautiful job.

Once you ask him what he wanted for birthday, after much insistent, he finally agreed to receive a gift from his master. He asked you if you could help him get to suspend it upside down. You still have not replied to him.