Teresa's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Buttcakes Global Rules

1) If character was given away for free, don't sell it/trade it ,unless in your possession character gained at least one art piece, but on condion:

  • if this art piece is your own made or it was art trade/request art piece, then you can gift or trade it. You cannot sell it;
  • if the art piece is a commission piece then you can sell it, but only commisioned pieces give character value.
2) Don't claim character/art made by me as yours.

3) You are OK to change characters gender, look, age, story, etc.. 

4)  If you completly wanne revamp the design, i will be fine that you make yourself as oc owner, but for previous design, please, state that i am the creator.