Takahashi Iyashi



6 years, 1 month ago


Takahashi Iyashi

Age: 11-20 (Depending on RP XD)
Rank: Genin-Jonin (Also Depending on RP)
Village: Konohagakure
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Grey Ace
Mother: Takahashi Mai
Father: Takahashi Naoya
Sibling: Takahashi Nui

About Iyashi
Iyashi's family descended from both Konohagakure and Sunagakure ninja. His grandmother moved to Konoha with her daughter young daughter Mai, and Mai fell in love with Nui's father Naoya. Mai went most of her life not realizing that her mother was a Jinchuriki, and when her mother was becoming too weak to keep Shukaku at bay Mai was very pregnant. Unfortunitally Nui's birth came at the same time Mai's grandmother lost control and Shukaku escaped. Because of Mai's weakened state she could not become the next Jinchuriki, however Nui could, and so it was done despite Mai's protests. Mai realizes they did what they had to do, but it took a toll on her and her husbands marriage. They ended up divorcing, however they still remain on friendly terms, showing a family can stay together and not be marrier successfully. They would move back and forth between Naoya and Mai's home, but they were so close it wasn't really a bother. Their parents never made them choose, and always told their children that sometimes in life two people just don't work out, and it doesn't have to be because one or the other is bad. It just happens.

Iyashi's birth was quite regular though, no special events, just a happy baby birth but with one less grandmother there to attend it. Iyashi and his brother Nui were very close at first, but Iyashi was never told about the jinchuriki. With his parents being particularly protective over Nui, and the secret the family was keeping, Iyashi began feeling left out and behind. So he turned to his books, studying hard. His parents were often coming home with injuries from work, so he learned and trained medical ninja techniques. He thought this would make them proud, and it did, but it felt like the spotlight remained on Nui despite Iyashi's best efforts. He continued to work hard, and became quite the prodigy, even skipping forward a year in school. However, nothing at home changed and so he began turning away from them all, instead focusing on his training and studies. Shutting them out completely at some point.

This was around the time Kuniyuki and Iyashi met and the two bonded over bugs. Iyashi wasn't exactly fond of them at first, but the more he learned about them from Kuni, the more he absolutely loved them and even began to model some of his techniques based on insects, especially the Mantis. He often comes to collect toxins from Kuni, using them on his blades. 

The two siblings ended up graduating school at the same time and ironically, despite usually not having siblings be on the same team, when they made Genin that's exactly what happened. Perhaps their teacher could sense that they needed this, perhaps it was the random roll of dice that caused it, but in either case they're now forced to work together, and work through the hurt.

Iyashi has OCD and Germaphobia, he has to clean most things before he's willing to touch them without gloves. He can get grossed out easily by blood, not because of the person getting hurt, but mostly because he doesn't want any getting on himself. He can power through this during battle, however, afterwards he's often taking a very long shower, trying to wash away all the "filth".

 Iyashi has become the medical ninja for his team, however he's not helpless when it comes to combat in the least. He's learned to use the same techniques to heal as a surgical knife against his opponents, as well as wielding a varying amount of poisons that make him great in one on one fights. He does best at close range but can adapt himself to range if need be. 


  Iyashi can be stubborn and seems quite serious most of the time. He's quiet and reserved, only opening up once someone takes the time to truly get to know him. The truth is, he's actually a bit shy, and isn't used to people asking or caring about his opinion so he often feels like he needs to fight for his own agenda if he's ever to be heard.

Good Habit(s):  He's a hard worker, and will often be seen taking up tasks himself without being asked to do so. Though he's not quite as good at explaining himself, he's good at reading body language and knowing what someone needs without being told. He can misunderstand someone's body language, so he's no mind reader, but he tries his best.

Bad Habit(s): He's a perfectionist that has terrible self esteem issues, often thinking he's not good enough even when he's scoring best in the class. This can cause him to have panic attacks or/and have relationship issues where he gets jealous easily. He tries to tell himself it's in his head but in his mind he's worthless and the people he loves will always eventually leave him. 

Like(s): Reading and learning about various toxins and medical ninjutsu techniques from around the world. He also it when people admire his technique, getting flustered easily at compliments.

Dislike(s): Failing, and by failing just scoring "too low" in his opinion is enough to make him have an emotional break down. He'll often try somewhere to do this alone, as he doesn't like others seeing him cry.


Likes: Hot foods and sea foods.
Don't like: Deserts. Or at least that's what he says, one might catch him eyeing a cake once and a while though.

Likes: Reds and Tans
Dislikes: Pink

Likes: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Bugs. Especially the Mantis.
Dislikes: Dogs and Cats. He just had bad luck with them, getting attacked by both at some point in his life.

Likes: Cleaning and Reading
Dislikes: Touching Strangers, Anyone who currently has a cold, someone who comes to see him when they know they're sick.

Friend(s): Aburame Kuniyuki

Crush(es): n/a

Rival(s): Takahashi Nui