Hyril (Sentinels!Hyril)



4 years, 8 months ago


Basic info & abilities

  • "Superhero" alias - Codename: Rabbit
  • When introduced in comics he's in his early 20s, and through magic of comic timelines, is probably getting into late 20s when Oblivaeon happens.
  • Originally from a European organisation, now doubling as a Last Call agent with the rest of his funky squad: Bat, Wolf and Cat. Very loyal, ready to fulfill any orders.
  • Sociopath with various problems with conveying and reading emotion thanks to his excellent and completely normal upbringing!
  • Somehow in like, a seminar school, and wears a priest collar regularly?? Most likely cause of him idolising Wolf, a straight up angel.
  • Appears silly in his priestly getup and with his whistle, but actually regarded as kind of a scary, efficient boy. Has flawless records in the archives!
  • Thanks to his very average apperance, forged new identity and Last Call's protection, doesn't have to worry much about being tracked and exposed by villains.
  • Villains should fear being tracked by him.
  • Sound powers: can magnify and suppress sound however he pleases. Usually uses it to move and kill soundlessly, or magnify sound to such low or high vibrations that he can break solid walls. But the power's very versatile and can be used in many more ways.
  • Musically inclined: cause of his powers he's very sensitive when it comes to sound and music. Likes orchestral video game OSTs and is good at playing the piano by ear.
  • Training: despite having powers, he more often makes use of his training with melee and ranged weapons, martial arts and all that other good secret agent stuff. He's also fast on his feet, which together with the sound powers gave him the nickname of Rabbit.
  • Also he can fucking give you a gun and teach you to use it on the fly. Appreciate it.


A lot of overlap with his furry self. Good for me

Originally from Hungary, was born in some shady family involved in totally illegal business (I have no lore for them it's completely irrelevant later on so there is no big details other than it's Fucked). Considering the superhero universe, they were probably involved in like, supernatural drugs that gives u magic or whatever the fuck. I imagine Hy (and that's not his birthname lol) wasn't planned and maybe was affected during mom's pregnancy and just kinda ended up a lil mutant with sound powers, how funky!

His parents, and later his school didn't realise he had powers, and just thought he's unresponsive and destructive when he accidentally blocked out sounds and increased vibrations, breaking stuff. No-one told him what a superpower is, so he didn't realise something was wrong and the whole thing messed with his perception of the world and society a lot!! At some point some teacher figured he might be hard of hearing or something and taught him a bit of sign language.

Parents got in trouble over the power related crimes they might've committed? Whatever mafia they were involved with got liquidated by organisation under Wolf's wings. Wolf and Bat were personally involved with whatever the fuck that was, and happened to find Hy, blissfully unaware of everything as a kid. They decided to just take him in for a bit and think where to drop him off. Hy saw Wolf and Bat communicating with sign language and started signing his own name at them, which won Wolf's heart over instantly. They decided to raise him their own way - into a professional, efficient little killer (Bat just lost 7 kids cause of his stupid sexy demon wife so he had a hole in paternity to fill). They also recognised his powers and their potential, and helped him master them. All the files of Rabbit's existence were erased, old life completely gone, new documents forged.

Rabbit grew up to be part of the squad, ultimately replacing Cat who had moved to America with his family some years back. Then some shenanigans involving GOLIATH happened in which his parental organisation got led astray by them, and Rabbit ended up helping set up some power dampener, probably thinking he was doing more good than bad. Then Argentum, Loud Lass, Gamble and Server were like "No, actually", and more concerningly, GOLIATH's Strikeforce tried to shoot him in the fucking head, which he considered to be very impolite. After that incident, parental organisation (I'm never naming it, suffer) and Last Call had a talk. Rabbit and his dads would've probably just returned to Europe if it wasn't for Cat, who turns out has been working for Last Call since leaving Europe, and who saw his old squad (with some weird young whippersnapper beside them)  in Last Call HQ and went "Oh hey I know these bastards! Lol what's up!!"

Cat convinced the secret furry squad to stay a while longer, probably to help with something he had going on while they were there. And also convinced Last Call that these guys (despite everything) can TOTALLY be trusted and generally staying in contact would be beneficial for both sides. "Staying a while longer to help with something real quick" evolved into "actually y'know we kinda have a fuckton you guys could help with, America's just like that". That combined with Bat realising that his lovely family may have started conducting businesses close by as well. Eventually the squad got assigned to Last Call's foreign affairs (or whatever) branch, and they were there to stay for a long time.

And now it's time for plots that I'm... not entirely aware of timeframes on. But they happen eventually. So that's a thing:

  • Troubleshoot forms properly, probably to dismay of  everyone but Hy and Server who are just good boys doing their jobs.  There is no infighting. Ever. It's fine.
  • As he joins missions and fights villains, Rabbit is forced to interact with heroes, such a Rhyss. Rhyss is probably the main (or more likely, the only) person pushing Rabbit to meet others and make relations that aren't strictly work related. It doesn't really work, but. He tried!
  • Ghost ends up in Last Call and meets Rabbit. They're besties, don't question it.

  • Apparently there was once an idea that Rabbit and Ghost (and presumably some others) would face off against Carte Blanche and his people, with Rabbit rivalling Carreaux in particular. See this is why I need this shit written down somewhere cohesively, that sounds fun

  • Rabbit is tasked with taking out White Fang by Last Call (presumably). The Immortals find out about it via Explordinaire, and most of them prepare an ambush for Rabbit in White Fang's chapel, with Lazarus as a decoy. Then they all fight and it's like really awesome and there's a lot of action, and eventually the Chapel ends up in rubble, with Rabbit found unconscious by Explordinaire, who's fashionably late. Luckily he's a very a nice man who lets Rabbit live, otherwise the rest of all that bio doesn't really happen, it's very thoughtful for him c:

  • Rabbit is tasked with taking out Saida due to her potentially being a dangerous tool of villains. Is busy with that for a  bit, until he finds out about Ghost.
  • When Ghost is killed by Strikeforce, Rabbit acts out on his own for the first time and disappears for some unspecified amount of time to enact revenge. I don't actually know if Last Call is fine with it or not, I can only assume they'd not allow it on grounds of Rabbit clearly taking this very emotionally, which in his case would be uncharted territory and therefore not a very reliable way of dealing with things. So he just does it without any clearance.
  • During that time, Rhyss is going through his edge arc as well, and they're temporary roommates (<33333) as Rabbit teaches him how to be a killing machine like himself.
  • Rabbit gets his revenge with help of Troubleshoot and Ghost's friends?? I don't know if it's ever been agreed on that he actually kills Strikeforce or just works out some incriminating information, or both, but something happens here. Then he goes back to work. It's done. And he's fine.

  • Last Call starts panicking about some impending cataclysm, and meanwhile Bat goes missing. Wolf is particularly concerned by it for some reason, and urges Rabbit to search for him. Rabbit doesn't find much, but signs of a very messy and bloody fight back at Bat's old home. Yet Wolf never found Bat's soul to take to afterlife. Rabbit. Is fine.
  • Oblivaeon happens, and Rabbit does his job as usual. He can't shoot an apocalyptic universe eating being, but he sure as hell can try.
  • After Oblivaeon, Rabbit can no longer reach Wolf, and Server's state has been wiped clean. Rabbit is no longer fine. For the first time in his life, he actually properly feels alone. And it sucks. He's probably completely closes himself off from the world for a few months, working completely on auto-pilot.
  • Rhyss tries to help him out a bit, but despite everything, Rabbit has always been a completely different person, and getting to him is hard as always. Still, it helps Rabbit notice he's not entirely alone. Cat wants him to take care of Mr. Cat even more now that he's prone to randomly falling apart and puking blood. And he's never really been friends with Troubleshoot, but he liked Loud Lass's music. ...And they both liked Server. So yeah, he maybe doesn't have anyone really close, but it's something.
  • With his previous squad leaders (slash parents) gone, Rabbit takes up the mantle, assuming a more serious stance in general, probably taking a backseat in comic lore for now. He still continues the search for whatever the fuck happened to Bat.

  • Rabbit is also tasked with taking out the Archivist, who starts remembering Oblivaeon, which ain't v good. I can only assume that happens post-Oblivaeon, I don't actually know.

Meta lore

(Seekrit first appearance: Just sorta randomly showed up in a comic and shot Baron Blade with Rhyss. Was not named nor acknowledged for some time until Troubleshoot comics came around. Fans were confused af.)

First appearance: Troubleshoot plotline, initially working with the bad guys, then switching sides and joining Last Call for good.

Despite appearing in a concerning amount of plots and comics, he's never the main protagonist in anything, nor does he have his own comics. He's usually part of a team, even if sometimes he's in charge due to his experience in the field.

Shipped to hell and back with Rhyss

Relations & teams

Last Call

Bat & Wolf: Adores them. Dad figures. They raised him, he loves them, he'd do anything for them. Shows his love for them in his own ways.

Ghost: Kid found by Last Call that he really quickly formed a bond with. Ghost is basically like a little brother to him, even if Rabbit doesn't realise that fully. Likes sitting with the kid and just doing things while Ghost watches him, or watching Ghost do things. Doesn't let Ghost touch him, but can tolerate being grabbed by the sleeve or something. Doesn't understand why others have trouble understanding Ghost?? They're weird. Is fucking devastated when Ghost d i e s and goes on a vengeance quest afterwards.

Cat & Mr. Cat: Was told by Bat and Wolf of Cat, and holds respect for him. In family terms, I guess Cat would be like an "uncle" for him. Therefore doesn't object when Cat wants him to watch over North and make sure the kid doesn't get hurt, even though he can't stand Mr. Cat, and vice versa. Probably warms up to Mr. Cat more post-oblivaeon when he's plunged into the superhero world, and also when everyone else in Rabbit's life is fucking goooooooooooone


Argentum: Respects him to a degree, mainly due to him being the oldest in Troubleshoot. Willing to follow his command, but also argue his competence and assert his own, Last Call friendly ways. They probably never get on too much... except for on the battlefield.

Gamble: Apparently religion makes her nervous. For a while, when Rabbit noticed Gamble is more uneasy with him than people tend to be, he tried to figure it out through trial and error, most likely succeeding in aggravating her more. Server informed him to stop - and he stopped accordingly. But... also didn't make any effort to mend any bonds.

Loud Lass: Initially probably had biggest trouble harmonising with her, what with her being an anarchist and him being the exact opposite. But their powers worked out together really well in action, and he... usually likes her improvisations, whether in music or in battle plans. He'd never say it, but Loud Lass could probably spot him tapping his foot to her idle strumming as Troubleshoot was resting somewhere and such. Rabbit could hesitantly say that he likes her, and that's a lot for him.

Server: Dad figure no. 3. Initially just saw him as what he was intended  to be, a helpful program, but with Server developing his personality,  Rabbit grew attached to him without realising it, and hopes to get Server's approval in his work like he looks for Bat and Wolf's approval.  Server learning what the fuck a music is was a BIG part of Rabbit starting to actually like him (and probably also Server's dry attitude,  familiar to Rabbit from Wolf and... himself). He has a playlist saved with all the music pieces Server has found in alignment with his tastes.

Silly bastards in tightsuits and facemasks that Last Call tells him to keep an eye on

Rhyss: Weird dude who kept rockin up to him after every mission and rambling on about friendship. Started dragging him out for 'meetings' and stuff like that later? Can play the piano nicely. Needs to train shooting more. Rhyss insists that they're friends - Rabbit doesn't feel the need to argue that.


Strikeforce: Actually feels like a threat. Almost offed him. That hurt his pride a bit, not gonna lie - he'd be very happy to return the favour.

Amber Road Inc.: Knows the story between Bat and them. Considers them monsters to be eliminated. ...Doesn't like the idea that in a very technical term, they're like half-siblings to him.

Additional info & variants

  • uhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uh
  • this is probably space for post oblivaeon stuff
  • this bio is not finished at all why did i start this
  • I basically went back through discord and searched out wherever he was mentioned for lore. if i missed any plot pls lemme kno
  • Troubleshoot!Variant: Main timeline, his first appearance in mainline comics. Looks like a very regular special ops dude. No priest collar or whistle visible - firstly cause these aspects of him weren't known yet, and secondly cause he's been instructed to watch himself around Gamble for some reason. Thank you Spek <3
  • Family Business!Variant: Different timeline, in which Rabbit dies during some villain-caused cataclysm. Wolf breaks the usual cycle of power and grants Rabbit his grim reaper status. Rabbit returns as the new grim reaper, but because he was never meant to have this power, his celestial form is different and he has demonic wings instead of angelic. Despite that, the wolf herd follows him anyway to respect Wolf's wishes. Thank you Whip <3
  • Holiday Heroics!Variant: Different timeline, in which Rabbit gets into a funky robo-space-suit called Lepus. His mission is to clear the sky of dangerous asteroids with his sound powers. Inspired by Easter and the increased meteor activity around then. Thank you Chan <3
  • For The Crown!Variant: Different timeline, in which Rabbit is a funni cowboy-ish sniper man with a rifle. Teams up with Promise, Mistral and Storyteller to take on Samedi after some absolute ancient fuckery. May be forced to snipe Mistral in the fucking head eventually. Thanks Dre for running that campaign ur da bestt
  • Shatterball!Variant: ttly canon he best referee. thx joel xoxo