


1 year, 3 months ago


Unwin is a young male orc who grew up in a small village nestled deep in the forest. Despite his intimidating appearance, Unwin possesses a gentle and kind-hearted nature. As a child, he always loved spending time in nature, admiring the beauty of the flora and fauna that surrounded him.

As he grew older, Unwin discovered his passion for blacksmithing. He spent countless hours honing his skills, crafting weapons and tools for the villagers. His work was renowned for its quality and durability, earning him the respect and admiration of his fellow villagers.

Despite his busy schedule, Unwin always found time to explore the forest and interact with the animals that lived there. He had a particular fondness for birds, and many of the village's feathered inhabitants were familiar with his presence.

One day, while on a walk through the forest, Unwin stumbled upon a small cottage nestled in a clearing. Curiosity getting the better of him, he cautiously approached the cottage, only to be greeted by a young witch who resided within. The witch welcomed Unwin with open arms and offered him a slice of her famous cherry pie.

From that day forward, Unwin would visit the young witch regularly, always leaving with a smile on his face and a belly full of delicious baked treats. Over time, the two formed a strong bond, and Unwin would often assist the witch with gathering ingredients for her spells and potions.