Felicity "Fel" Yulzin



6 years, 1 month ago


Details »

Name Felicity Called Fel
Age 24 D.o.B. March 17
Gender Female Race Tabaxi
Height 6'1'' Build Toned, Tall
Class Monk Theme Song Title

Fel accepted her fate without question. Her family supported her until they realized becoming a monk meant leaving forever. She does not miss them as thinking fondly of your past means you have learned nothing from it. She is devoted to herself and her own growth. Anyone she meets along this journey is welcome to stay or leave, she has no preference.


"Be as a snake. Silent, commanding respect from your potential."

Likes »

  • Cold milk
  • Loose clothing
  • The sound of running water
  • High places
  • Meditating

Dislikes »

  • Salty food
  • Having her hair tied back
  • Being flirted with
  • Surprises
  • Children

About »


Felicity has a very odd disconncect with the rest of the world. She never felt that she were meant to be part of it, as if her soul is misplaced. This feeling started as a child which tourbled her clan whose values and moral code are very much rooted in commitment and loyalty to your family. Neither of which Felicity particularly regarded as imperitive. At least for her. She does not look like the rest of her family; her fur dark and eyes a brilliant violet while her siblings and parents all remind her of a field of wildflowers with their reddish or orange fur and bright yellow or deep red eyes. She has often asked if they found her or took her from somewhere else. Each time she is swor to that she is as much a daughter of their clan as much as anyone else.

The feeling of being constantly lied to mixed with the almost painful emptiness that comes with knowing your life is passing by half-lived, caused Felicity to leave her clan to pursue something greater than herself; the pursuit of spiritual peace. If she could place her faith or devotion into something that isn't as tangible nor as emotionally-driven as a family and into something that is supposedly all-knowing or at the very least studied by hundreds of people, she may get the feeling of fulfillment she's been searching for. Felicity can't say that she was sad when she left her clan but it certainly made her feel guilty that her actions made them sad. She doesn't miss them so much as she wishes she could have been a better fit for the life she was born into. Oh, well. They will be happy for her or force themselves to forget her. Either way, she is indifferent.


  • She can sing very well.
  • Fel is kind and may go out of her way to be helpful.
  • She is not judgemental, her opinion of you is strictly dependant on your actions and words.
  • She does not hold grudges and forgives not necessarilly easily, but always does.


  • While she tries not to, Fel is no stranger to stealing to get what she wants.
  • She has very little patience.
  • Without her daily meditation, she is prone to giving in to her aggressive nature.
  • She does not make bonds easily or entirely willingly.

Stats »

Strength ★ ★ ★ ★
Dexterity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Constitution ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★
Wisdom ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Abilities »

Deception ★ ★
Perception ★ ★ ★ ★
Arcana ★ ★
Stealth ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Persuasion ★ ★ ★
Luck ★ ★ ★

Vitals »

Temper ★ ★ ★
Energy ★ ★
Stress ★ ★ ★
Resilience ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Composure ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sensibility ★ ★ ★ ★

Traits »

Hero's Conscience

Despite having general apathy for most things that happen in the world, if Fel sees an injustice or just something in need of fixing (like a man trying to fix a broken wheel on his wagon or signs of someone in trouble), she will go out of her way to lend help. Though she doesn't always have the best attitude about it.


The only place Fel considers home is her monastery and even there she doesn't remain longer than a handful of days. When she isn't there training or brushing up on her studies, Fel could be anywhere.

Independent to a Fault

Even though she knows it is unwise, Fel would sooner fail and learn for herself than heed the warning of another.

Skills »

Quiet Feet, Quick Feet

From her being a Tabaxi to her intense training as a Monk, Fel could walk for miles behind you as you remain blissfully unaware. Because of the same reasons, she is also impossibly fast which aides her in her very times of thievery.

Immune to Insomnia

Because of her training and in-depth relationship with meditation, Fel hardly feels the effects of not sleeping and can go days without it. On the same token, she can force to fall asleep as well.

Through her Teeth

Fel has unimaginable control over her own physiology and composure when it's needed and can get by telling blatant lies without being found out.

Summary »


As time goes on, Felicity wonders if there is something missing in her life with her not having anyone close, a companion. Not necessarily in a romantic sense but at all. Anyone's she's helped or met that has extended the invitation to become friends or anything more, she's turned down without a second thought. She wonders why, wonders if something in her heart has been corrupted, or if this is simply how she is. Whatever the case, she wishes she had something to tell all these people in her life with nothing but good intentions.

Facts »

Orientation Uninterested
Zodiac Pisces
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Deadly Sin Wrath
Virtue Humility
Drink Wine

Belongings »

  • Her staff, carved from driftwood and adorned with large coral-colored stones.
  • Necklaces all with a simplified symbol of her monastery hand-carved from animal bone.
  • Small brushes she uses for wirting and drawing.
  • A thin book of techniques and notes from her master.
  • Simple silver teardrop earrings her mother gave her as a going away present. Fel's ears are not pierced so she hangs onto them.

Relationships »


Mugen [ Younger Brother ]

The closest living being Fel holds to her heart, Mugen seemed to be the only one who understood that Felicity didn't want to be understood. She just wanted to live how she wanted without everyone trying to fix her or see her point of view. He shares her aloof nature but doesn't have a peaceful bone in his body. They bonded mostly over their sparring matches which Mugen began to win once he got much taller than his sister.


Name [ relationship ]

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Name [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet.

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