Sam Dupont



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Sam Dupont




December 12th




Ex-Imaginary Friend


Starlight Academy Student - 1st Year College (Set Design)








Important Info for Commissions 

HEIGHT: 6' BUILD:  Slender and fit. ETHNICITY: White APPARENT AGE: 19 HAIR: Bright red, messy chin-length. EYES:  Heterochromatic. Right eye - Green with black sclera. Left eye - Red. SCARS/MARKINGS: 2 "tattoos" - an abstract design in red, black, and blue around each forearm. Multiple silver ear piercings and a collarbone piercing. MAIN OUTFIT: Bad Boy. Leather jacket, black pants, dark red t-shirt. OTHER IMPORTANT TRAITS: None. PERSONALITY: Agressive and antagonistic. Unused to people or his body. Artistic, especially enjoys painting and adult colouring books.

Appearance Description: Sam is quite tall at 6', fit and muscular, but slender. He has pale, unblemished (except for two tattoos) skin and medium-length, messy, bright red hair. Both tattoos are actually part of his flesh, two abstract designs in red and black and blue, one around each forearm. Aside from his unusually coloured eyes (he has heterochromia - one green eye with black sclera, one red eye,) Sam appears to be an ordinary human being on the outside. But if wounded, his body doesn't bleed but leaks a crimson mist. 

Generally appearing confident and self-assured, Sam's clothing choice is bold - mostly black and red and leather, often with a chain necklace as an accessory. He also has multiple ear piercings and a collarbone piercing, which look and feel real, but are actually part of his body and can't be removed. (They are not made of metal).

 Sam often forgets to move or speak out loud. When he does move, he is aggressive but clumsy, clearly not used to having a body. This lack of experience extends to his speech, giving him an odd sort of accent. 

Personality Description: Being what he is, and having only half a soul, which was Ian's, Sam is very oriented to his counterpart. He is also limited - new to having a body and only recently sentient at all. Most of his emotions, his whole being, are what Ian gave to him, and though he hates it, Sam doesn't quite see himself as a separate person. Even his memories, vague and coloured by antagonism, are Ian's.

Actually, Sam has to idea how to relate to people who aren't Ian. He is perpetually caught off guard by the fact he is visible and abnormally sensitive to pain or any sensation. Towards Ian, he is antagonistic, aggressive, spiteful, and obsessive. He is also mildly protective in a possessive way. 

Bold, brave, confident, yet also brash, rebellious and immature, it would be hard to see how he could appear any more different from his timid creator. Sam appears to have gotten all the anger and violence and sex drive from the soul splitting. He is volatile with no self-control or willpower, battered by his extreme emotional mood swings. He has a driving need to be active and doing something, and if he wants something he wants it now. This leads him to be quite unpredictable and chaotic, but adaptable. 

A faulty long-term memory and an inability to think ahead makes it impossible for Sam to set goals or recognize non-immediate consequences. In spite of his rebellious nature, Sam is somewhat obedient because of this and because he has trouble getting started on his own. 

Sam is artistic and enjoys painting, particularly abstract art and spray paint. He has a good eye for detail and colour but sucks at following a plan. Unlike Ian, he enjoys magic, especially elemental magic, but it is unknown whether he has any talent for it. 

Active Abilities: 

Feeds off Ian's mana/energy via touch - Gains strength (about Olympic athlete), weakens Ian (half strength). Effects last for about 30 minutes per 5 minutes of continuous feeding. Can only feed for a total of an hour a day (doesn't have to be all at once). Feels to him like pleasant electricity while feeding, and feels to Ian like a nearly painful electric current and loss. Can only feed off Ian and only when he's awake (but he doesn't have to be willing). 

Passive Abilities: 

Telepathic link - can send/receive thoughts between him and Ian. 

Ideal Aura - Appears strong, brave, an object of envy, the kind of person who gets away with doing things you want to do. This tends to intimidate/attract those around him with low self-confidence. It doesn't change people's behaviour in any way - they'd behave as they normally would to someone they envied. The more self-confidence a person has, the less they'd be affected by this. 

Physiology - Ageless/Immortal unless killed. Body is a magical construct that doesn't require food/breathing/sleep. Can be harmed but not killed by physical objects/attacks - regenerates rapidly (could regrow his head/limbs in half an hour or so). Immune to poison/disease/temperature/fire. Can be harmed/killed by direct magic/electricity/mental attacks. 


Will get sick and die if long away from ambient magic of Manta Carlos. 

Half of a whole - Bonded - must stay within 10 ft of Ian or gets nauseous, worsening with time. After 25' becomes painful cramps and spasms, worsening with time and distance, and eventually fatal (within 12 hours). The effects pass almost immediately when back in safe range. They get anxious if separated by a wall/door and can't see each other (ie in another room). If Ian dies, it's the same thing as being more than 25' apart, and it will be fatal; Sam's body will not be able to sustain itself even if their soul is reunited. 

Half-souled - permanent weakness/tiredness. Sort of dull emotional ache. 

Secret Keeper - If told something in confidence he cannot speak about it unless the secret teller gives permission or someone else gives the same info not as a secret. Must be told it's a secret or told not to tell anyone. 

Very sensitive to pain or any sensation because it is new. Mental commands/suggestions affect him strongly, and he has lower resistance to them.


Sam's memories start from when Ian was 2, although he did not become sentient until much later. He started off as a simple imaginary friend, sometimes mischievous and often taking the blame for childhood mishaps. As Ian grew, he grew too, becoming a more idealized version. The rebellious side of Samantha and the negative self-thoughts. Sam was male before Ian realized he was too, and he had all the confidence and assurance that Ian lacked. 

Somewhere along the line, Sam gradually became sentient, though still stuck in Ian's body and still mostly the same person. It is unknown how this happened except that it was more than likely a freak combination of ambient magic, Ian's own magic, the trauma that led him to keep an imaginary friend, and various environmental factors aligning perfectly. Even Ian doesn't know when exactly this was because the hostility and self-loathing were still so much a part of him. 

Sam's new life started when Ian and one of his older brothers performed a modified exorcism ritual that didn't work, splitting Ian's soul in half and transferring it and Sam into a magical construct body. 

It is actually quite a bit of Sam's fault that Ian's father disowned him. Sam left the island with Ian, unable to be apart from him and not having any reason to convince him to stay, but then they both got sick. After much bickering, they decided to go to college for set design because it's something they'd both enjoy and have an aptitude for. 

Resources: Living in school dorms with Ian. Sponges off Ian for his limited needs. 

Additional Information: Shares half a soul with Ian Dupont